Most Dangerous trees in the world

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Manchineel tree

The manchineel tree is native to the Caribbean coasts, including regions such as Florida, Central and South America, and Mexico. It is nicknamed the Manzanilla de la Muerte—little apple of death—for a reason. The fruit can be potentially fatal, and the milky sap from the tree causes extreme allergic reactions and blisters.

Suicide tree

The suicide tree can be found in India and in several parts of Southern Asia. This tree is named especially after people committing suicide by eating its fruits. Its scientific name is Cerbera odollym. It mainly grows near marshy areas and in the coastal swamps.

Bunya pine

This tree is found in the Queensland region of Northeast Australia. These pine nuts are perfectly safe (and delicious) to eat. But the bunya pine cones are football-sized and can be as heavy as 10 kilograms.

Milky mangrove

Milky mangroves, Excoecaria Agallocha, grow as shrubs or trees and can reach up to 15 metres. It is distributed from northern New South Wales, through Queensland and Northern Territory to Western Australia. The sap of milky mangroves causes severe skin blisters and temporary blindness when it touches the eyes.


The oleander plant contains several toxic items, such as saponins, cardiac glycosides, and oleandrin. The plant might cause visual disturbances, rashes, fainting, lethargy, and even irregular heartbeats. Despite these dangerous properties, oleander seeds and leaves are used to make medicine.

The sandbox tree

The sandbox tree, hura crepitans, is native to Amazonian Rainforest and can be seen in tropical parts of South and North America. This tree is famous for its pointed spines all along its trunk. It also produces poisonous sap that causes skin rashes.

European yew

All the parts of this tree contain a deadly substance known as taxin. All parts of the tree are toxic, including its leaves and seeds. The only edible part is the red berry part that keeps the seeds of the yew.

Angels trumpet

The bell-shaped flowers of this plant look great in gardens but consist of poisons such as tropane alkaloids which might cause severe hallucinations, putting anybody into a zombie-like state. People and animals can get poisoned by touching, inhaling, or eating almost any part of an angel's trumpet. However, the leaves and flowers can be used to make medicine.