Majuli Constituency - Population, Polling Percentage, Facilities, Parties Manifesto, Last Election Results

Majuli assembly constituency: No. of Household, Population, Winner/Runner-up in Last elections & Vote Percentage & more in Assam Assembly Elections.
Majuli Constituency - Population, Polling Percentage, Facilities, Parties Manifesto, Last Election Results

Majuli Assembly Constituency at a Glance: Name & Number:

Majuli Assembly Constituency is located in the district of Jorhat. Majuli is a river island in Brahmaputra River in Assam. Majuli Assembly Constituency is one of the 126 Assembly constituencies of Assam. It is the 99th Assembly constituency. Majuli also falls under the Lakhimpur Lok Sabha constituency.

Sitting MLA of Majuli: Sarbananda Sonowal (BJP)  || Sitting MP of Lakhimpur: Pradan Baruah (BJP)


Number of Towns in Majuli Constituency:

There are no towns in Majuli as 100% of its total area is rural. 


Number of inhabited Villages in Majuli:

There are about 192 villages under Majuli Assembly Constituency.


Majuli Assembly Status:

The current Chief Minister of Assam, Sarbananda Sonowal had won the Majuli Assembly seat in the 2016 Assam Assembly elections. The constituency is reserved for ST candidates. The constituency has been a Congress stronghold with Congress candidates winning the seat five times of the 12 Assembly elections held since 1962. The seat was won by Independent candidate, in the Assembly polls of 1967 and 1985. It was won by Janata Party in 1978. The Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) won the seat thrice in 1991, 1996 and 2000. CM Sonowal defeated sitting MLA from Congress, Rajib Lochan Pegu by 18,293 votes in the 2016 polls. Pegu had won the seat three consecutive times since 2001. [Also Check - List of Polling Booths Under Majuli Constituency]

Credit: @sarbanandsonwal

Total Population of Majuli Assembly Constituency:

According to the 2011 census...

Total Population

Rural Population(in %)

Urban Population(in %)



According to the 2011 census, the population of the Majuli Assembly Constituency is 1,67,304 and 100% of its population is rural.

Credit: @sarbanandsonwal

Total Households in Majuli:

Majuli has 19,276 households.

Water Connection:

Majuli Assembly Constituency has water facilities of Over Hand Tank (OHT) and tap water by a treated source. The residents of Majuli also have facilities of tube-well and borewell.

Street light:

There is domestic electrification at Majuli Assembly Constituency.

Municipality reach:

The basic civic infrastructure is taken care of by the authorities of the Majuli district.

Religious Groups/ Demography in the Constituency:

The population in Majuli Assembly Constituency comprises of tribal communities such as Misings, Deoris and Sonowal Kacharis. Non-tribal communities include Koch, Kalitas, Ahoms, Chutias and more.


Caste & Tribes in Majuli Constituency:

In Majuli Assembly Constituency, the Scheduled Caste ratio is 14.27 and Scheduled Tribe ratio is 46.38.


Top Cities of Majuli Constituency:

Majuli Assembly Constituency has no cities since it is an entirely rural area.


Male/Female Electoral Distribution:

The Majuli Assembly Constituency has 1,09,989 electorates, of which 57,160 are male and 52,829 are female.


Sex ratio:

The sex ratio Majuli is 955 females per thousand males.


Age Group Distribution:

In Majuli, about 13% of its population is under six years.

Credit: @thehummingbirdschool

Last Three Years Polling Percentage in Majuli:

Majuli Assembly Election witnessed a polling percentage of 71.78% in the Lok Sabha Election of 2019 and 85.33% in the 2016 Assembly Election.


Result of Last Five Assembly Election:

  1. In the Assembly Election of 1996, Karuna Dutta of AGP won by 28.97%.
  2. In the Assembly Election of 2001, Rajib Lochan Pegu of the Indian National Congress won the assembly seat with 31.61% of the votes.
  3. In the Assembly Elections of 2006, Rajib Lochan Pegu of the Indian National Congress won again with 36,773 votes.
  4. In the Assembly Election of 2011, Rajib Lochan Pegu of the Indian National Congress got third time lucky winning the seat with 46.36% votes.
  5. In the Assembly Election of 2016, Sarbananda Sonowal of Bharatiya Janata Party won with 50.74% of votes defeating Rajib Lochan Pegu of Congress who had won the seat for three consecutive elections.
For More , Check Assam Election 2021 Results page 

Political Parties Percentage Vote Share in Last Assembly Election:

In the 2016 Assembly Election, Sarbananda Sonowal of Bharatiya Janata Party emerged as the winner by securing 50.74% of the votes.

Rajib Lochan Pegu Indian National Congress was the runner up and had secured 31.38% of the total votes. He is followed by Ranjit Doley, an independent candidate, and had secured 16.05% of the votes.

Hemanta Pegu of Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) had secured 0.82% of the votes. The percentage of votes received by "None of the above" is 0.82%.


Candidates Participated in Previous Year's Election & Result:

The candidates who contested the 2016 Assembly Election are Sarbananda Sonowal of Bharatiya Janata Party, Rajib Lochan Pegu of Indian National Congress, Ranjit Doley, an independent candidate, and Hemanta Pegu of Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist). Sarbananda Sonowal finally emerged as the winner with 50.74% of the votes.

Work Done in Last Five Years in Majuli Constituency:

Launched projects to prevent flood and soil erosion in Majuli. Announced construction of roads and embankments in Majuli. Granted land pattas to thousands of indigenous landless people of Majuli. Under the schemes launched by the Scheduled Caste Board, water filters, solar lights and agricultural tools were distributed. As many as 121 meritorious girl students were given scooties under Dr. Banikanta Kakati Award of Pragyan Bharati Scheme launched by the state government. These students of the river island had passed the higher secondary 2nd year examinations 2020 with first division.

Election Manifestos Announced - Schemes/ Projects by Parties

Sarbananda Sonowal launched 674 schemes under MGNREGA & the 14th Finance Commission for the development of villages in Majuli with a financial outlay of Rs 24.57 crore.

2. Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal launched the State government's flagship programme, RE-SVAYEM Re-designed Swami Vivekananda Assam Youth Empowerment scheme at Majuli. The scheme would help empower the youths of the district and create rightful vocations for them.

Credit: @sarbanandsonwal

3. Under the 15th Finance Commission, Rs 1,095 crore has been granted for the construction of roads and embankments in Majuli. A host of other activities have been already undertaken for inauguration of works of the bridge connecting Jorhat and Majuli. The construction of Jorhat-Majuli connecting bridge would start soon.

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