NEMSU demands Bodoland Territorial Region election

NEMSU demands Bodoland Territorial Region election

The NEMSU (North East Minorities Students' Union) has raised the demand for immediate BTR (Bodoland Territorial Region) election under COVID-19 protocol.


GUWAHATI: The NEMSU (North East Minorities Students' Union) has raised the demand for immediate BTR (Bodoland Territorial Region) election under COVID-19 protocol.

In a press meeting here on Sunday, NEMSU president Badrul Islam said, "Before the signing of the BTR Accord the State government assured the people residing in the BTAD to hold a discussion on their problems. However, instead of doing that the State government has formed a Commission for examining villages that have to be included into or excluded from the BTR. It is unfortunate that not a single member of the minority parties and organizations, second most populous in the BTR, has been included in the Commission.

"On October 27, 2020 the six-month term of the Governor's Rule will expire. Since all development works in the BTAD have been put on hold, for the interest of the people of BTR election should be held before October 27, 2020."

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