Megastar Amitabh Bachchan says his granddaughter Aaradhya likes to come and destroy his working desk, and that brings immense joy to him. Aaradhya is daughter of Abhishek and Aishwarya. His daughter Shweta has two children — daughter Navya Naveli and son Agastya. Big B opened up about his grandchildren when he appeared on the season finale episode of “Starry Nights 2.Oh!”, read a statement. “I’ve loved all of them. When I want to spoil my grandkids, I am so authoritative that their parents dare not oppose me,” Amitabh said.
“Aaradhya will still come and destroy my working desk, as she wants to use this pen and wants to write things and wants to play with the laptop. It brings immense joy and is a beautiful experience,” he added. Asked whether anything changed after Aishwarya joined the family, Big B said: “Nothing has changed for us, it was like one daughter left and another one came in.”
Talking about his memories from the past and his iconic dialogues, Amitabh said: “The dialogues do not seem as finesse as today’s generation pulling incredible scenes with ease, but I am happy that my fans still like it.” He added: “There are a lot more ladies on the sets today, in our time there were just two — the leading lady and the mother. Today, it’s absolutely wonderful to see these young girls working in all kinds of departments.” The episode will air on Zee Cafe today. (IANS)
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