Dangal Star Zaira Wasim Cites "Religious Reasons" Behind Her Decision To Quit Bollywood

Dangal Star Zaira Wasim Cites "Religious Reasons" Behind Her Decision To Quit Bollywood

Dangal star Zaira Wasim on Sunday announced her "separation" from the field of acting, saying she was not happy with the profession as it interfered with her faith and religion.

In her Facebook account she shared a detailed post, which she later shared over every social media platforms, Zaira Wasim said she realized "though I may fit here perfectly, I do not belong here".

"Five years ago, I made a decision that changed my life forever. As I stepped my foot in Bollywood, it opened doors of massive popularity for me. I started to become the prime candidate of public attention, I was projected as the gospel of the idea of success and was often identified as a role model for the youth. However, that's never something that I set out to do or become, especially with regards to my ideas of success and failure, which I had just started to explore and understand," Wasim said in the lengthy post.

The 18-year-old actor said as she completed her five years in the profession, she wanted to "admit that I am not genuinely happy with this personality i.e my line of work".

Further, she said that for quite a while now, it has felt like she had attempted to move toward becoming another person. As she had quite recently begun to explore and comprehend the things to which she committed her time, endeavors and feelings and attempted to seize another way of life, it was uniquely for her to realize that though she may fit here perfectly, she does not belong here.

"This field to be sure brought a lot of love, support, and applause my way, yet what it also did was to lead me to a way of obliviousness, as I quietly and unwittingly transitioned out of 'imaan' (confidence). While I kept on working in a domain that reliably meddled with my 'imaan', my relationship with my religion was threatened," she said.

Wasim said as she proceeded to "insensibly go through" while attempting to persuade herself that what she was doing was alright and was not by any means influencing her, "I lost all the 'Barakah' (blessing) from my life".

"I was continually engaging with my spirit to accommodate my thoughts and impulses to fix a static image of my 'imaan' and I failed hopelessly, once as well as a hundred times...

"Talking about her life as an actor, she said she kept on watching things and turn her discernments as she wanted them to be, without truly understanding that the key was to consider them as they were.

"I found my absence of learning of the essential things of my religion and how my inability to fortify a change prior was a result of confounding my heart's happiness and prosperity with strengthening and fulfilling my own shallow and common wants," she said.

Zaira Wasim, who made her Bollywood debut in Aamir Khan's 2016 film Dangal, said she scrutinized the most profound wellsprings of her thoughts of success, which means and the reason for her life.

Sentinel Assam