Actress Sonam Kapoor Ahuja says her husband, businessman Anand Ahuja is her biggest cheerleader. During the 35th Annual session of the FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) on Saturday here, Sonam spoke about gender equality and how her husband supports her. “In cinema world, I was not treated as an equal but treated as a woman. But I realized it soon that women should not compromise. “But art is a reflection of the society. After marriage, my husband is my cheerleader and as a support, he added my name in his middle name and has become Anand Sonam Ahuja,” Sonam said in a statement. Sonam Kapoor, who married Anand last year, attended the session along with ace tennis star Sania Mirza. On the film front, Sonam Kapoor will be next seen film “The Zoya Factor” opposite Dulquer Salmaan. (IANS)
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