Assam Buddhist scholar invited to Hongkong, Thailand

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By our Staff Reporter
GUWAHATI, June 7: Eminent Buddhist Prof. Lalit Shyam, a Pali and Tai scholar of tiol and intertiol repute, has been specially invited from Assam and the Northeast to participate in the 15th Sakyadhita Intertiol Conference on Buddhist Women to be held in Hongkong University from June 22-28, 2017. The theme of the conference is ‘Contemporary Buddhist Women, Contemplation, Cultural Exchange and Social Action’. Dr. Shyma will deliver a lecture on ‘Status of Buddhist Women in Assam and Northeast India and their Diverse Lifestyle, Cultural Action and Social Action.” Dr. Shyam has also been invited to the 13th Intertiol conference on Thai Studies to be held in Chigmai University, Thailand from July 15-18, 2017.

Sentinel Assam