Members of the Joint Action Committee of Tea Tribes Adivasi Assam, shortly called as JACTA, staged dhar in Delhi on Monday and submitted an 11-point memorandum to Prime Minister rendra Modi. Their demands include hike in daily wages of tea estate workers in Assam, both in Brahmaputra and Barak Valleys; review of the Plantation Labour Act, 1951; opposition to the move to grant citizenship to Hindu Bangladeshis in Assam; setting up of an autonomous council for the development of Tea Tribes and Adivasis; a separate commission for the study of their life and livelihood, protection of their rights in terms of reservation in various government departments; skill training to tea tribe youths so as to make them employable; immediate stop to the killing of Assamese people along the galand border; restoration of rations to tea labourers; punishment to the guilty in the Bogidola TE shootout etc.