tiol semir on Diagnostic Pathology at BBCI

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By our Staff Reporter
GUWAHATI, Feb 14: The proposed tiol semir on Diagnostic Pathology was held at Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute; organized by the Department of Pathology in collaboration with specialized faculties from Department of Pathology; TMH Mumbai on February 4 and 5, 2017. The theme was basic approach to diagnosis and recent advances on Blood Cancer, Lymphomas & soft tissue sarcomas. The semir was well attended by 160 delegates from various parts of Northeast and other parts of India, with lots of interaction between faculties and delegates. The chairman of the organizing committee, who is also the Prof and HOD, Dept. of Pathology, Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute and president of Guwahati forum of North East Chapter of Indian Association of Pathologist & Microbiologist, acknowledges with sincere thanks and gratitude for guidance and support to the tiol Faculties and team member of organizing committee and all the participants for making it a success. The organizing chairman also looks forward to organize CMEs / semirs on various other aspects of oncology in future for greater interest of the pathologists of this region (NE).

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