Trade unions protest against demonetization

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By our Staff Reporter

GUWAHATI, Jan 28: Trade unions and labour organizations in Assam joined the tionwide agitation against demonetization today. INTUC, HMS, CITU, AITUC, AICCTU, AIUTUC, and other organizations in the State staged the agitation here. They shouted slogans like 'make public the amount of black money exposed by demonetization, Modi sarkar hai hai,' etc. They made an attempt to take out a protest march but the police prevented them from going ahead. They sent a memorandum to the Prime Minister through the police.

Their demands are — Setting up of adequate ATMs and making banking service available in each village in Assam, making hard currency available in banks, cash payment to labourers till infrastructure is improved, recovery of loans from corporate sectors, employment of adequate number of people in banks, etc.

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