Watch your Child's Weight!

It is extremely important that children are guided to eat right and exercise regularly so that they do not become obese or suffer from health issues when they attain adulthood
Watch your Child's Weight!

Keep in mind that even seemingly insignificant shifts in behaviour on a daily basis can add up to significant progress

In the past two decades, the number of obese children has steadily risen across the world. There is a correlation between childhood obesity and both immediate and chronic health problems. Parents, guardians and teachers should assist children in developing proper eating habits and restrict their access to foods that are high in calories so that the children can maintain healthy body weight. You should also encourage kids to get the recommended amount of sleep, cut down on the amount of time they spend in front of screens, and get some exercise.

When working with children who are already overweight, the objective is to slow down the rate at which they are gaining weight while still allowing for normal growth and development to take place in the child. Never start a weight-loss programme for a child before consulting with a paediatrician or qualified medical professional first. This is especially important if the child is obese.

In order to assist children in the formation of healthy eating routines, it is important to ensure that there is an abundance of foods made with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables available. Include milk and other low- or no-fat dairy products, such as cheese and yoghurt, in the diet. Lean meats, chicken, fish, lentils, and beans provide protein.

It is also important that the children consume a lot of fluids, especially water. Limit sweetened beverages. Reduce the amount of foods that are high in sugar and saturated fat. Keep in mind that even seemingly insignificant shifts in behaviour on a daily basis can add up to significant progress.

It is also essential to avoid calorie-dense temptations. You can assist your children in developing more healthy eating behaviour by making it more difficult for them to obtain snacks that are rich in fat, sugar or salt. You should only let your children partake in the eating of these delicacies on very rare occasions so that they can maintain a sense of exclusivity in their lives.

The following are examples of snacks that have fewer than 100 calories per serving, a low amount of fat or sugar, and are simple to prepare:

Mix together two tablespoons of hummus with one cup of vegetables such as carrots, broccoli or bell peppers.

You can also give a medium-sized apple or banana.

Alternatively, you can give one cup of blueberries or grapes.

Another palatable dish is tuna covered by a lettuce leaf.

A small handful of kale chips that you yourself baked and cooked, can also come in handy as a small meal.

Inspire children to live physically active lifestyles. Engagement in regular physical activity has a number of positive effects that are beneficial to their health. These may be enumerated as follows:

Improving bone health and density

Lowering blood pressure

Alleviating symptoms of tension and anxiety by having a more favourable impression of oneself

Helping to maintain a healthy body weight by contributing to weight maintenance

Games that involve movement should take place at various points throughout the day for children aged three to five. Children should participate in some form of physical activity for at least one hour every day. Include aerobic exercises, which can be summed up as anything that makes your heart beat more quickly. Aerobic exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. Incorporate activities such as running and jumping, which help to strengthen bones, as well as workouts such as climbing and completing push-ups, which help to build muscle.

Keep in mind that children learn things by observing and imitating the behaviour of adults. Starting today, make it a point to engage in more physical activities during the course of the day and motivate your child to do the same.

You should try to cut down on the amount of time you spend sitting. Children should not spend more than two hours in front of a screen per day, including watching television, playing video games, and using the internet.

It is recommended that parents must refrain from letting their children who are less than two years old, watch television. Instead, you should encourage your children to find enjoyable hobbies that simply involve more movement, and you should do this regardless of whether they can perform these activities alone or with the help of other members of the family.

Make sure that you get enough rest. There is a correlation between insufficient sleep and obesity, in part because both of these factors encourage us to consume more calories and engage in less physical activity throughout the day. Children have a greater need for sleep than adults, the exact amount of which depends on the child's age. Investigate the suggested time for sleeping as well as the activities that are supposed to help one get adequate sleep.

These steps can help in maintaining healthy body weight among children. Their immediate implementation can bring rich dividends in the long run.

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