Letters to the Editor: Let there be rethinking on Cachar

I fully endorse the views of Prof (Dr) Nagen Saikia’s demand to dismember Cachar from Assam. Enough is enough!
Letters to the Editor: Let there be rethinking on Cachar

Let there be rethinking on Cachar

I fully endorse the views of Prof (Dr) Nagen Saikia's demand to dismember Cachar from Assam. Enough is enough! There is a tolerance limit. Many decades ago, Assamese legends like Ambikagiri Raichoudhury, Joytiprasad Agarwal, Dr Bhupen Hazarika and others warned the Assamese people time again to remain ever vigilant against a section of chauvinist and expansionist people through various channels. They also expressed anguish and concern on seeing the lackadaisical attitude of the Assamese people in preserving the language, culture and heritage in its land. They were visionary people and could see things beyond 100 years. Tirelessly, they tried to ignite the dormant spirit in the Assamese people but all went in vain. The Assamese people can ignore the writings on the wall and historical events that happened in the period (1836-72), only at its peril."There is no gainsaying that our politicians of all hues are short-sighted to the hilt. They have a single-minded agenda to win the election and remain in power, come what may? The taste of absolute political power makes some politicians virtually insane and they appear to earn the capability to go to any length just to remain in power and thus sacrifice the interests of its people and the State. Here are a few key posers: ''Who opposes the statement of Dr Saikia? Assam's 'State Language' is Assamese. Then, why can't the Assamese language run parallel to Bengali in the Cachar district? Is there any Assamese-medium school and colleges in Cachar district? Let the Assamese language be immediately introduced in Assam University. Please, ensure the implementation of the above before saying 'No' to separation.

Prafulla Dowarah


Scourge of floods

Recently, a Central inter-Ministry team of officials visited the State to assess the flood damage to life and property in Assam in the current year. Such visits have become a routine affair as every year, Assam is severely bruised and battered by recurring flood, rather three-four times a year, with collateral damages like landslips and riverbank erosions. For over seven decades after Independence, a permanent solution hs remained illusive though the 'power that be' and the people of the State have witnessed a huge loss of life, croplands, dwelling houses, livestock etc in the annual floods. The reasons are not far to seek as the authority stuck to the old and obsolete measures like erection or renovation of dykes, boulder protection and concrete spurs along the riverbanks instead of addressing the festering problem with far more seriousness. In contrast, the authority remained complacent with just carrying out the flood relief measures to the flood-affected families; but they evaded from initiating concrete action during the post-flood period to address the issue. Sadly enough, the same policy is being still persisted; This has resulted in untold miseries of the poor peasants, artisans, small traders and manual-based earning. They have to go through the difficult experience of recuperation after receding the floodwaters. The Government must be obliged to take a holistic approach under a comprehensive plan to tame the onslaught of the flood as well as the problems faced by the Farming Sector, and the fishermen among others with the provision of irrigation facility, construction of water-pools, and canals.

In addition, the rainwater harvesting and ground-water reserve programme should also be tagged with the overall plan to address the depleting water level underneath. Besides, the evil of corruption is standing in the way to the implementing process for the efficient and perfect completion of work which is needed to be eradicated at least. Last but not the least, I urge the planners and also the implementing/executive agencies and contractors that they must wortk for mitigation of the annual flood tragedy, distress and wails of the flood victims. Let there be pragmatic steps for mitigation of the masses' problem and all stakeholders join hands to avert the scourge of flood.

Pannalal Dey


Mobile phones: Boon or bane?

The mobile phone – one of the greatest inventions – made our life better. It soon became a lifesaver. The prime function of mobile phones was to connect with your near and dear ones from anywhere. The fact that a phone could be carried kept everyone mesmerised for some time. But now this apparently indispensable mobile phone is sharing the same fate as that treadmill where clothes are left to dry. Mobile phones are now being primarily used to watch movies, play games, shop for amenities, order food and whatnot. The calling feature has somewhat taken a backseat. Is it a boon or a bane? The time has arrived for giving a rethink on this modern-day apparatus.

Noopur Baruah


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