Letters to the EDITOR: Online Summer Camp Special Classes

In an effort to keep the school students mentally stimulated during the ongoing summer vacation, the Samagra Shiksha, Assam (SSA) has organized a four-week-long online learning programme called 'Online Summer Camp Special Classes'.
Letters to the EDITOR:  Online Summer Camp Special Classes
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Online Summer Camp Special Classes

In an effort to keep the school students mentally stimulated during the ongoing summer vacation, the Samagra Shiksha, Assam (SSA) has organized a four-week-long online learning programme called 'Online Summer Camp Special Classes'.

The programme (from July 4 to 25) is aimed at imparting lessons on Vedic Mathematics, Phonics (English), and General Science and scientific facts to students in Classes VI to X. The SSA has launched an 'E-Classroom app' to enable students to have access to the classes.

Moreover, students can enjoy the classes through the local cable network, Gyan Brikshya, channel number 13. Students should actively participate in this programme to reap the benefits being offered by the SSA through the digital learning platform. Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I laud such an innovative initiative undertaken by the SSA in the field of school education in the state.

Dheeraj Deka,

Dighirpar, Darrang


Communication and AI

In the ever-evolving landscape of human interaction, digital communication intertwines with artificial intelligence, creating a vibrant tapestry of connection. Screens flicker to life in homes and offices worldwide, each a portal to a vast network of information and relationships. Smartphones nestled in palms become extensions of human thought, transmitting ideas across continents in the blink of an eye. Imagine the gentle hum of servers, the invisible backbone of this digital realm, processing countless messages, videos, and data points. Within these machines, algorithms pulse with artificial life, learning and adapting to the nuances of human expression. They sift through oceans of data, discerning patterns and predicting needs with uncanny precision. Virtual assistants stand ready, their voices a soothing presence in homes and vehicles. They anticipate requests, schedule appointments, and engage in casual banter, their responses growing more natural and context-aware with each passing day. In offices, AI-powered tools silently optimize workflows, translating languages in real-time and drafting correspondence with eerie accuracy.

Social media platforms stretch across the globe like vast digital cities, their streets lined with the thoughts and images of billions. Here, AI curators work tirelessly, personalizing each user's journey through a labyrinth of content. News, entertainment, and personal updates blend into a seamless stream, tailored to individual tastes and interests. In virtual meeting rooms, avatars gather; their movements are fluid, and their expressions are lifelike. Participants from different corners of the world converse as if sharing the same physical space; their words are instantly translated and their gestures are precisely mimicked. The boundaries between reality and digital representation blur, creating a sense of presence that transcends physical limitations. Wearable devices adorn wrists and fingers, quietly monitoring vital signs and stress levels. They whisper suggestions into earpieces, offering real-time advice on communication strategies based on the wearer's physiological state and the emotional cues of their conversation partners. In educational settings, AI tutors adapt their teaching styles to each student's unique learning patterns. They present information in personalized formats, adjusting pace and complexity in response to subtle cues of understanding or confusion. Languages are acquired not through rote memorization but through immersive AI-generated scenarios that adapt to the learner's progress.

The written word evolves as AI writing assistants suggest phrasings and ideas, expanding the boundaries of human creativity. Authors collaborate with artificial muses, their narratives enriched by vast databases of literary knowledge and real-time analysis of reader engagement. Deep in research laboratories, scientists work alongside AI systems to decode the intricacies of human communication. Brain-computer interfaces hint at a future where thoughts might be shared directly without the need for words or gestures. The potential for deeper understanding and empathy looms on the horizon, tempered by questions of privacy and the nature of consciousness itself. As day turns to night, the digital communication network continues its ceaseless activity. Dreams and ideas flow across time zones, while AI sentinels stand watch, protecting against threats and ensuring the integrity of this vast, interconnected system. In homes around the world, people drift off to sleep; their last conscious thoughts are often shared digitally, becoming part of the ever-growing tapestry of human-AI communication that defines our modern era.

Chandan Kumar Nath

Sorbhog, Barpeta

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