Letters to the EDITOR: Pothorughat bravehearts

Letters to the EDITOR: Pothorughat bravehearts

The Peasants' Uprising of Pothorughat in Darrang on January 28, 1894, completed 130 years this year.


Pothorughat bravehearts

The Peasants' Uprising of Pothorughat in Darrang on January 28, 1894, completed 130 years this year. The day witnessed the eruption of a democratic protest by the unarmed peasants, both Hindus and Muslims, against the imposition of increased land revenue by the colonial British. As many as 140 peasants lost their lives on the spot, and several got injured when the British Military Police opened fire on the protesting crowd. Eminent writer Arup Kumar Dutta wrote a book in English titled 'Pothorughat' in 2010, recounting the stirring protest and valour of those peasants who laid down their lives for justice. The book, catalogued in the Library of Congress, USA, should also be published in other Indian languages to take the story of the Pothorughat's bravehearts to every nook and cranny of the country. The state government of Assam should take initiative in this regard.

Dheeraj Deka,


Laudable step

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the interim budget for the year 2024–25 in Parliament, with a notable increase from Rs 18,050 crore to Rs 22,154 crore allocated under the Neighbourhood First Policy. This signifies a commitment to fostering cordial relations and enhancing mutual cooperation with neighbouring countries. Notably, Bhutan has received the largest share of funds, highlighting India’s dedication to its development. Furthermore, earmarking approximately Rs 770 crore for the Maldives demonstrates a proactive approach to strengthening ties, despite recent challenges.

Additionally, providing assistance of Rs 75 crore to Sri Lanka and Rs 700 crore to Nepal underscores India's commitment to regional stability and prosperity. By prioritising assistance to neighbouring nations, India not only bolsters its credibility on the global stage but also fortifies relationships crucial for regional peace and cooperation.

Nawaz Ashraf,


Maintaining cleanliness

Maintaining cleanliness is our duty. I think some people aren't concerned about the issue of cleanliness because, at night, some people used to come outside of their houses and throw their dustbin bags on the roadside. On the other hand, spitting, urinating in open areas, improper use of dustbins, and a smaller number of dustbins and public toilets lead to a dirty environment in the city. Right now, Indore is the cleanest city in India, and Indore City has maintained its position for three consecutive years. On the other hand, Guwahati is ranked 342nd among 382 cities in India, according to the report of the Swachh Bharat Sarvekshan National Ranking 2022. This report must open our eyes, and we need to think collaboratively to keep our city clean. It is our responsibility to clean our city, and responsible citizens are good citizens.

Rana Das,

Cotton University


Increase in plantation of trees in Guwahati

Trees play a vital role in sustaining ecosystems and supporting life in myriad ways. When trees are felled, much of the stored carbon in them is released back into the atmosphere, leading to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases. Large-scale tree felling increases deforestation, and forest degradation contributes to global warming. Guwahati is facing several environmental challenges, such as deforestation, loss of green cover, and air pollution. That's why increasing tree plantations in Guwahati city is important for various reasons, including environmental sustainability, air quality improvement, and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the city. Tree plantations in Guwahati City can improve climate change and support local biodiversity. Increasing tree plantations in Guwahati city can be achieved through a combination of awareness campaigns, community involvement, government initiatives, strategic planning, collaboration with NGOs and environmental organizations, and emphasis on the importance of planting native tree species that are well-suited to the local climate and ecosystem. Some of the native trees ideal for lantation in Guwahati are Gamari, Hallang, Mango, Kadam, Sal, Jackfruit, etc.

Assam has launched a statewide plantation drive starting on September 9, 2023. The drive, named “Amrit Brikshya Jan Andolan," was launched on the 73rd birth anniversary of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday. Their main aim is to plant one crore trees across Assam. The best season for tree plantations in Guwahati City is the monsoon season because it provides rainfall, which is essential for the growth of trees. By implementing these strategies and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship, Guwahati City can significantly increase tree plantation efforts and enhance its green infrastructure for the benefit of present and future generations.

Shilpa Devi


Sentinel Assam