It’s been over seven years since the audience saw actress Karisma Kapoor lighting up the screens with her high on energy and impactful performances. She says she chose not to do full-fledged roles in films for a while as she wanted to be at home with her young children. But now the “Dil To Pagal Hai” star is back in the saddle in a different avatar and on a new platform.
The mother of two has been doing ads, fashion events and making special appearances in movies including last year’s Shah Rukh Khan-starrer “Zero”.
But did she get nervous working for long hours and acting in front of the camera after a gap?
Comparing acting to cycling and swimming, Karisma said in a telephonic interview: “It (acting) is ingrained in you. It is something that never goes away. I was waiting for something really interesting. It was out of my choice that I didn’t do any film because my kids were very young. It was out of choice that I wanted to be at home with my family and children.”
Her children — Samaira and Kiaan — are also excited about her getting back to work.
Spilling details on her digital debut Karisma shared, “Out of choice I wanted to be with my family and children. After a while when I heard this script it was so interesting, the script was about today’s mother and it was so strong. Women of all ages and all those who are mothers will identify with my characters.” (Agencies)
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