Kolkata/New Delhi, Jan 18: Stepping up the probe, a Kolkata Police team on Sunday night arrested a youth from Delhi in connection with the sensatiol hit-and-run case in which an IAF corporal was mowed down in the West Bengal capital. He was killed while supervising the Republic Day Parade rehearsal in the eastern metropolis last week. Shanu alias Shahwaz, a friend of prime accused Sambia Sohrab, was bbed by a special police team from a relative’s house in New Delhi’s Alipur area. Said to be a key to the January 13 accident in which 21-year-old Corporal Abhimanyu Gaud was mowed down, police have secured Shanu’s transit remand and are taking him back to Kolkata. “He has been arrested as an accomplice. His interrogation is likely throw more light into the incident,” Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Debasish Boral told IANS in Kolkata. Shanu is the second person to be arrested in the case after the prime accused, Sambia Sohrab, was held in the West Bengal capital on Saturday four days after the hit and run incident on Indira Gandhi Sarani that has been hogging the limelight tiolly. (IANS)