Pune Barber With a Golden Razor!

Small scale businessmen are taking to various marketing strategies to get back to business, a barber from Pune is making headlines for his unique idea.
Pune Barber With a Golden Razor!
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PUNE: Ever imaged to have a shave with a golden razor worth Rs 4 lakh? Yes, you heard it right.

A barber from Pune is garnering media attention with this quirky technique to get customers for a shave worth Rs 100 from a golden razor of 80 grams.

According to reports, the razor is made of 80 grams of gold costing Borundia a total of Rs 4 lakhs. Further, the salon owner believes that the razor will potentially make common people feel special.

A person will only have to spend Rs 100 to get a shave from the special gold razor. It is to be mentioned that the salon in Pune was recently inaugurated by BJP MLA Gopichand Padwalkar.

The salon owner believes that the news of gold razor will definitely attract new customers for his salon and revive his business that saw a major dip during the lockdown.

On the other hand, a man named Datta Phuge in Pune garnered media attention when he ordered a customised gold shirt worth 12.7 million rupees back in 2016.

The shirt was made up of 14,000 pieces of 22-carat gold, weighed 3.32 kilogrammes (7.3 pounds) and was put together by 15 craftsmen over 16 days.

"Gold has always been my passion since a young age. I've always worn gold as jewellery in the form of bracelets, rings, chains," he added.

However, Phuge believed to be in his mid-40s, was attacked and killed by 12 assailants brandishing stones and sharp weapons.

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