Annual day function held

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TEZPUR, Feb 10: The Annual Day function of Khelmati ME School was held here today. Addressing the function, Senior Lecturer of Tezpur Government College of Teacher Education, Manmayuri Goswami said that mere bookish knowledge is not enough for a the overall development of a student. Addressing the occasion as chief speaker the noted teacher further stated that education should help a child to be a good citizen not a machine. Stressing both physical and mental development Goswami further said that alongwith the academic progress the teachers and the parents should give priority to co-curricular activities like games and sport which solely help a child to boost up their life. Basab Bhuyan, noted teacher from Jamuguri Academi, attending the event as an invited guest observed that academic results only cannot make a man perfect.

The programme which was presided over by the president of the school magement committee was also attended by Bhuban Boro, District Elementary Education officer and others.

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