Ngandam seeks review of CCE system

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By Our Correspondent

Itagar, Aug 25: Aruchal Pradesh Education Minister Honchun Ngandam has opined that there is strong need to review the efficacy of the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) system in Aruchal Pradesh.

In a review meeting of the education department here on Wednesday, the Minister observed that while CCE was a well planned scheme for the schools but it has not met with success in the tribal state like Aruchal Pradesh.

In the meeting, it was informed that even the Centre is reviewing the system and that galand has done away with the non-detention policy recently.

Ngandam also call for concerted efforts for bringing changes in the educatiol scerio of the state. “We will definitely try to bring reform and some visible changes in department of Education,” the minister said adding the Deputy Commissioners would be requested to take  responsibility in monitoring education system in the districts.

The minister also emphasized the need of providing better trainings to the teachers through DIETs and SCERT and also maintaining the sanctity of the department, institutions, particularly seniority in posting of DDSE, Principal and other officers. The minister further said that hard working and sincere teachers should be awarded and at the same time action should be taken against the absentee and irregular teachers.

Expressing concern over the acute shortage of teachers in various schools, Ngandam informed that the department has proposed to create 2,000 posts of teaching and non teaching staff during the year. He further strongly advocated the teaching of moral science in the schools of the state.

It was proposed in the meeting to create a separate cadre soon for the teacher educators in the state. The meeting also proposed to take feedbacks from parents, academician, intellectuals and civil society on educatiol matter through IT and social media for improvement of the education scerio in the state.

It was also informed in the meeting that the State Cabinet has decided to establish one Model School in each district as per announcement of the CM in his Independence Day speech.

In the meantime, the department has issued an order directing all DDSEs and BEOs to conduct compulsory inspection of schools in the districts every month and to monitor the academic performance of the schools, attendance and punctuality of both teachers and students.

During the inspection the teachers and children of the schools will also get an opportunity to ventilate their problems and grievances, said a departmental release.

The DDSEs and BEOs will be required to submit their reports after school inspection to the concerned DC as well as the Director with photographic evidence, the release added.

The meeting was attended by Secretary Education Bidol Tayeng, Director Higher and Technical Education Tejum Padu, Director, Secondary Education Gania Leij, Director, Elementary Education Tapi Gao, SPD (SSA) Opak Gao, and other officers of the department.

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