One woman dies every 5 minutes during pregncy: WHO

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Mumbai, June 12: Every five minutes, at least one Indian woman dies during pregncy and child birth, the World Health Organisation said on Sunday. According to WHO, of the 529,000 materl deaths occurring every year, 136,000 or 25.7 per cent take place in India. “In fact, two-thirds of materl deaths occur after delivery, postpartum hemorrhage being the most commonly reported complication. The incidence of emergency postpartum hysterectomies is about 83/100,000 with a materl mortality of 17.7 per cent and a perital mortality of 37.5 per cent,” said a WHO statement. Postpartum bleeding or postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is defined as loss of more than 500 ml or 1,000 ml of blood within first 24 hours of child birth. As a result of high PPH incidences in India, it is unlikely that the country will achieve the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5 focused on reducing materl mortality and achieving universal access to reproductive health care.

“The latest estimates of materl mortality rate (MMR) in India from 2011-13, show an average of 167 deaths/100,000 live births. The same estimates also demonstrate that wide geographical disparities persist. The highest MMR can be found in Assam (300) and the lowest in Kerala (61),” said the statement. According to WHO, blood is in chronic short supply in India which stipulates that every country needs at least a one per cent reserve. “India, with its population of 1.2 billion people, needs 12 million units of blood annually but collects only nine million — a 25 per cent deficit. Globally, there are innovations in the field of patient blood magement, whereas in India awareness on the magement has been overlooked thus far,” said the statement.  (IANS)

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