Trump's tiol Security spokesman to leave White House

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 Washington, April 9: tiol Security Council (NSC) spokesman Michael Anton is planning to depart US President Dold Trump’s administration, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders has announced. “Michael is one of the smartest and most talented individuals I’ve ever worked with — not to mention an amazing chef,” Sanders said Sunday. “He has been more than a colleague, he is a true friend. Every day I got to work with Michael was a good day, and he will be greatly missed.”

Anton’s departure comes amid a series of changes at the tiol Security Council, including former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton taking the helm on Monday after H.R. McMaster stepped down as Trump’s top tiol Security Adviser (NSA), reports CNN. Anton was brought into the NSC by Michael Flynn, Trump’s first NSA, who plead guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) last year. Trump called Anton on Sunday and thanked him for his service, a White House official said. According to sources, Anton was well liked by his White House colleagues and known as the rare conservative intellectual that joined Trump’s administration, reports CNN. (IANS)

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