Yemen praises Arab Coalition for backing country

Aden, Feb 3: Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi has praised the Arab Coalition, mely Saudi Arabia and the UAE, for supporting Yemen and showing “a shared destiny and pan-Arab tiol unity and cohesion”. Hadi said: “Our closed ranks, common goal and shared destiny constitute our effective weapon that made our heroes on various fronts even more resolved to defeat these rebel gangs that hijacked the state and abused its great capabilities and gains.” Hadi on Wednesday congratulated the commanders on the victories of the tiol army and pro-government Yemeni tiol Resistance, backed by the Saudi-led Arab Coalition, against the rebel Houhti militia and forces loyal to now-ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh around Saa. Earlier on Wednesday, the government army and allied forces advanced to close in on Yemen’s capital city after they regained control of a number of military posts in ham (or Nihm) district including the strategic Furdat ham military base. (IANS)

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