PATHSALA: At a time when digital transaction has become common in all business establishments across the country, a fraudster looted clothes worth Rs 1 lakh from a women’s store in Pathsala. The woman identified as Kalpana Baruah Kalita runs her store in the Milanpur area of the town and also sells clothes to customers from her Facebook page.
Speaking to the media Kalpana Baruah Kalita said, “One customer introduced herself as Mousumi Singh has procured cloth materials and ornaments from our shop through online mode by providing phone pay receipts. (The receipts fully seem original). We have send her ordered products through DTDC, Pathsala as mentioned in the address.”
She further said, “Due to the phone pay error we have not received any statement from other customers also. The women had send screenshot of the receipts from her Whatsapp number, which is fake. But when we verified her payment details in our current account and communicated with Ujjivan Small Finance Bank, Pathsala the Branch Manager, Ujjivan Bank, Pathsala has informed us that there are no payment available in our bank account as per the phone pay receipts provided by Mousumi Singh.” “When we communicated with Mousumi Singh in her mobile number she informed us that she will communicate with the bank and afterwards her mobile was found switched off. Later, we complained against the woman at Bajali police station,” she said.
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