Manjuma Begum bags ATMA Best Farmer Award-2021

Manjuma Begum bags ATMA Best Farmer Award-2021

Manjuma Begum was awarded the ‘ATMA Best Farmer Award-2021’ on September 30, 2021 in the governing board meeting held at the conference hall of the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Golaghat.
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NUMALIGARH: Manjuma Begum was awarded the 'ATMA Best Farmer Award-2021' on September 30, 2021 in the governing board meeting held at the conference hall of the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Golaghat. She is a widow, aged about 45years, actively involved in farming.

She is from Dhemaji, Koibarta village of Golaghat district. She has 5 hectares of land. Earlier, she used to grow only Sali paddy and depended on rain water for harvesting. She was attracted to agriculture after seeing the other members of her village practice agriculture. She came to know about Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) and ATMA (Agricultural Technology Management Agency) during the year 2014. Then she had an interaction with KVK scientists and ATMA staff about the Integrated Farming System, soil and water testing. She was in continuous touch with KVK, Khumtai, District Agriculture Office, Golaghat and Golaghat ATMA staff and other officials for getting guidance from time-to-time.

She said, "Working jointly, judicious use of water, studying the market and planning accordingly and direct marketing are the secrets of success in agriculture"

She attributes her success to the technical inputs provided by the Agriculture Department, KVK and encouragement and her brother and others farmer in her locality. She has also mobilized farmers to form farmer's organizations. Presently, she also works as Jivika Sakhi under ASRLM and there are more than 61SHGs and farmers under her guidance.

In 2019 she, was able to purchase another 7 bighas of land and also own a tractor from her income through multiple farming. During the COVID-pandemic lockdown, Begum lost more than 600 quintals of tomatoes but she recovered her losses by planting papaya (variety-Red Lady). She was able to earn almost Rs 3lakh in her first year (from March, 2020 to March, 2021). Begum was given award in January 26, 2019 in Golaghat town as a progressive farmer.

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