
Published on

—— By Dr. Ajai Bhambi

‘Birthday Forecast’

Moon sextile Pluto on your solar return chart shall open up new good avenues for you. Creativity will be heightened and should be used to your benefit. This marks an excellent time for noteworthy events and to take that vital step as opportunities present themselves in new business projects and professional obligations. Get in touch with your inner forte to renew yourself as you make the most of what the phase has to bargain. You then find the reply to a complex problem. You can invest in belongings during this phase. If you are preparing for some exam or competition then do not take things lightly. Luxury items would draw attention. Financially you will do well. Family life will be affable and supportive.

Aries : (March 21 - April 20)

This is an outstanding time for studies, tests, negotiations and agreements. Today may reveal some pleasant surprises and motivating encounters. This is a decent time to try something new and thrilling, and you should have enough liberty to be able to do this. Bigger self-awareness can come though blazes of insight or through feedback from personal connections. Get as much done as you can before the conclusion of the day.

Taurus : (April 21 - May 21)

There is a strong sign that you’ll feel the need for personal autonomy and excitement. You will feel a strong impulse to react or rebel against anything that is preventing you from having fun and doing what you wish for. There could be a particular abrupt event that discharges your built up tension and leads to a major change in situations.

Gemini : (May 22 - June 21)

It is a decent time for taking good actions for family well-being. This is the perfect phase to make the effort to get forward while there is less probability of facing disagreement or challenges. Your personal relationships can be augmented by your brashness and sociability, as can your own individual growth and self-esteem. Lady luck is also on your side.

Cancer : (June 22 - July 22)

Today will bring pleasant relationships due to an internal feeling of peacefulness and balance. Your strategies should work out well and your goals can be more easily accomplished than normal. People will not be able to come in your way; rather you can assume favors from others. Career growth is seen due to higher confidence level.

Leo : (July 23 - August 23)

There’s an amplified need for love and warmth but any causal relationship tension may rise to the surface. This is specifically true if you are expecting too much without first displaying how much you care. Excess attention on money matters is something you have to be careful about at this time as raising unnecessary issues on this front is what needs to be avoided at this moment.

Virgo : (August 24 - September 22)

Today may give you an occasion to turn your thoughts into reality by drawing on your positivity and fairness to deal with key issues. You can look forward to long-term results especially in relationships, so long as you keep onto be humble and indebted to a superior. However, it also brings challenges along which may compel you to work harder and overcome hardship. You tend to feel loaded with extra responsibilities and routine work.

Libra : (September 23 - October 23)

You would feel free to express yourself fully, more in melody with who you really are. This will be emancipating and you may be pleasingly surprised by how your ego gets a kick from a new and unique disposition. Gaining more autonomy is likely and air travel would be a respectable way to experience more of the world.

Scorpio : (October 24 - November 22)

This can be a strenuous time because you are more likely to feel pulled back and nervous about the challenges and obstructions to your progress. These trials which we all go through look more serious and more frequent. You can feel more hampered and limited in your freedom or self-expression. However, today brings endurance, fortitude and determination to achieve astonishing feats.

Sagittarius : (November 23 - December 21)

You will feel driven to flourish at something with your strong logic of purpose and initiative. You can attain a lot of work in a small amount of time, with the nerve and aggressive spirit to take on just about whatsoever. Physical labor, business matters and dialogues are favored but you would do well at anything requiring a little added effort to get things off the ground.

Capricorn : (December 22 - January 20))

Feel free to think about courting, social get-together and making new networks. Other people will really appreciate your sincere and friendly attitude. Salutations, gifts and favoritisms are possible, and asking for some help with cash would not be out or order. You can spend a little additional on parties and enjoyments. Meeting new and uncommon people is another focus of this day.

Aquarius : (January 21 - February 18)

You are likely to feel a catastrophe in confidence because of challenges from events or from other people, most often from bosses, and teachers etc. Your ego is on the line, coming under stress from others through quarrels or challenges to your authority. This is not the time to push forward but to hold onto what you must. A self-justifying approach is the best one now.

Pisces : (February 19 - March 20)

This is the best time to endeavour to have a best deal in any area of life, be it business or at work, and in your family matters. You will make a good imprint on others so now is the flawless time to ask for a favor or try for a new occupation or promotion. You can play an important role as a go-between.

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