Why Does your Skincare Routine in the 30s Matter?

It is a phase when we start to face issues in the body, our skin loses its suppleness, and we begin to look different
Why Does your Skincare Routine in the 30s Matter?
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During the 30s, levels of hormones, collagen, and production of elastin decrease. Due to this, skin loses its bouncing-back ability. But the best part is we can stop these signs of ageing with little effort from our end. Not to forget, patience and consistency are vital to getting that healthy skin of dreams. Taking the proper nutrition is what one must maintain because we become what we eat. And if we are healthy from within, it will also be reflected in our skin.

Skincare is one of the essential things which should be taken care of as we age, our skin undergoes several changes, and gradually ageing signs become noticeable. Fine lines are considered to be the typical sign of ageing. We must give importance to skincare in the 30s because it is a phase when we start to face digestive trouble, fatigue etc., and with such issues in the body, our skin loses its suppleness, and we begin to look different. One must take care of their skin as early as possible because there is a common saying that we sow what we reap. If we sow better at an early age, we will surely reap its benefits later.

As per dermatologists, the skin turnover rate decreases with time, reducing our skin regeneration. Our skin becomes more prone to sun damage. Dark spots, blemishes, unhealthy foods, adapting to unhealthy lifestyles, stress, changing skincare products frequently, less knowledge about skincare products, etc., also damage our skin little by little. These are the internal factors. But there are external factors as well which hamper our skin. The two most common factors are sunlight and pollution.

Our skin shows signs of ageing between the 30s and 40s. This is because our skin loses its elasticity and fullness gradually. As it loses elasticity, a woman generally starts to develop fine lines and pigmentation. At this age, skin becomes dull and dry. Also, when a woman reaches 30, some struggle with the issue of fertility. So, with all these issues, the skin undergoes a lot of change, losing its natural glow.

During the 30s, levels of hormones, collagen, and production of elastin decrease. Due to this, skin loses its bouncing-back ability. But the best part is we can stop these signs of ageing with little effort from our end. Not to forget, patience and consistency are vital to getting that healthy skin of dreams. Taking the proper nutrition is what one must maintain because we become what we eat. And if we are healthy from within, it will also be reflected in our skin.

Now let us understand how we can take care of our skin once we reach the age of 30. It is a common debate among women that only high-end products and treatments can make skin look flawless. But this is not correct entirely. You can also have better skin without undergoing treatments and using high-end products. Skin is the largest organ, and our body has an inbuilt ability to heal itself. Of course, one cannot reverse ageing, but one can delay the signs of ageing. There is nothing called "perfect skin". All of us have some imperfections, and so does our skin can have some imperfections. And we must learn to flaunt our imperfections. Isn't it great to have a little flawless but not-so-flawless skin?

Below are steps one must follow to achieve and maintain good skin health.

1. Eating clean: Yes, you heard it right. And it is repeated innumerably that eating clean helps to keep our entire body holistic. Now, what is eating clean? Let me make it very clear. Eating clean is basically including lots of greens in your diet. Drinking at least 3 litres of water. Because as we all know how helpful water is in removing toxins from our bodies. Also, water keeps us hydrated and our skin moisturized. We are consuming no processed foods. Also, smoking is to be avoided if you want your skin to be healthy.

2. Consuming collagen: rich foods or supplements: Collagen is a protein that helps with skin elasticity. Consuming plant-based foods rich in collagen, Vitamin C will help boost collagen production in the body at this age decreases.

3. Using Sunscreen: Sunscreen with good SPF is a must for everyone, irrespective of age, but it is essential to keep sunscreen handy when you are all set to start your skincare regime. Another important thing about sunscreen is that it should be used all year round, irrespective of whether you remain outdoors or indoors. Most of us avoid using sunscreen when we stay indoors, but this is an entirely wrong approach. We might be indoors, but the sun and its harmful UV rays penetrate the window panes and reach our skin. If not much, very few UV rays can cause damage to our skin.

4. Massage: Facial massage can be done by everybody, but the woman at this age must include it because it helps in the better circulation of blood. Not only it helps in blood circulation, but it also helps in the stimulation of lymphatic drainage, giving our muscles the required relief.

5. Exfoliation: This is done to remove the dead skin cells that remain in our skin if not removed from time to time. Skin can be exfoliated to a maximum of three times a week. More than this will irritate your skin, leading to dryness and removal of essential oils from the skin.

6. Moisturizing: This step is crucial and must not be avoided by any oily skin beauties as well.

7. Do not use Facial Wipes: Wipes tend to be harsh on our skin. You must avoid using them to remove makeup. Using wipes will lead to sensitivity and dehydration of your skin because of their composition. Also, some wipes have alcohol, which is unsuitable for your skin.

8. Replace Micellar Water with mild cleansers: Instead of using micellar water, clean your face with normal water and gentle cleanser to remove dirt and the last trace of makeup from your skin.

It is never too late to start with skincare. Good habits are difficult to form, but it always pays you well even if you start late. As in this phase of the 30s and 40s the skin becomes dull and dry, one must introduce some brightening, hydrating, anti-ageing serums. Also, you can submit retinol which is a derivative of Vitamin A. There are tons of serums and retinol in the market, but you must ensure proper knowledge about these products before using them. You can also consult a dermatologist and understand your skin issues and then address those issues accordingly. The three basic steps you must follow are cleansing, toning and moisturizing your skin. Make sure that you do not go overboard and also do not expect to get desired results overnight. Be patient and consistent, and be assured of seeing the best results yourself.

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