New Delhi: In a move to cut costs further amid financial difficulties, state-run telecom major BSNL has asked all its officers to fly by economy class on both domestic and international air travel, according to an official order. “Due to the present financial stress of the company, all BSNL officers will now travel by economy class air journey (Domestic and International journey) while performing their official tours with immediate effect till further orders.
“However, with the prior approval of the CMD, BSNL, the officers may travel by higher class in case of business requirements”, the order of July 26 said. The public sector firm recorded a provisional loss of Rs 4,859 crore in 2015-16, of Rs 4,793 crore in 2016-17 and Rs 7,993 crore in 2017-18, which is estimated to rise to Rs 14,202 crore in 2018-19, as per official data are given to Parliament. (IANS)