The Second Wave of Coronavirus: Deadlier Than Before With New Symptoms

The Second Wave of Coronavirus which is currently affecting India after brings along new deadlier symptoms that we must take note of.
The Second Wave of Coronavirus: Deadlier Than Before With New Symptoms
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DELHI: As India enters into the Second Wave of Covid-19 after more than one year of stepping into the pandemic situation, the people must be more vigilant than before.

The coronavirus is infecting thousands of people as the cases seem to be skyrocketing out of control as days keep passing. This is an alarming situation for our nation because the Covid-19 infections are causing new symptoms, which were previously unknown. Experts anticipate that the new Coronavirus symptoms will be much more lethal and will force us into reimposing restrictions. 

The complacency shown from the people's part combined with the deadly mutating nature of the Coronavirus is changing the course of how the virus infects people and the symptoms that follow. 

The latest news from research conducted by hospitals across India suggests that the symptoms of Coronavirus infection hugely differ from the classical signs and symptoms such as fever and cough. The new symptoms of Covid-19 include gastro-intestinal conditions like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea; pink eyes, impaired hearing, and other symptoms such as myalgia, joint pain, loss of appetite, cold and weakness. The patients testing positive are seen to have a higher viral load, which refers to the concentration of the virus in the bloodstream, and this can increase both the rate of infection as well as reinfection. The new coronavirus infection affects healthy people as well. 

While the country is in a vaccination drive, it is important to adhere to the covid-19 rules and regulation as preventing measures against the spread of this deadly virus. Masks should be worn at all cost in public places and social distancing needs to be followed. Hands must be washed properly and sanitized. As we are in the midst of a global health crisis, all of us are equally responsible to contain the virus from further affecting more lives. 

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