Delhi Alumni Association of Assam (DAAA) approaches Dispur to improve citizens’ life

Delhi Alumni Association of Assam (DAAA) approaches Dispur to improve citizens’ life

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GUWAHATI: The Delhi Alumni Association of Assam (DAAA) has approached the Assam Government with various proposals and suggestions to be included in the coming State Budget 2020-21 to improve quality of citizens’ life.

“The suggestions endeavour to cover important sectors such as health, education, agriculture, social welfare, citizen services, environment, infrastructure, etc with the overall objective of creation of a progressive and a developed State of Assam,” Prof. Chandan Mahanta, president of DAAA told The Sentinel on Saturday.

The DAAA on Saturday met State Chief Secretary Kumar Sanjay Krishna and submitted a memorandum suggesting various budget proposals.

“For improvement of the education sector we propose the creation of a State Education Council. The Council, with the Education Minister as its Chairperson and representatives from various educational bodies, NGOs and prominent members of the public, shall guide and advise the Government in imparting meaningful education, dissemination of knowledge that shall contribute in raising healthy citizens, formulation of rationalized and progressive school curriculum, setting desired standards of teaching, making teaching an attractive profession and any such activity to ensure that they meet the State’s education objectives and bonafide aspirations of the students and citizens,” Mahanta said.

The DAAA has proposed setting up of Citizen Assistance Centres in cities and towns to provide information on matters of public interest, government schemes, receive public grievances and facilitate redressal, forward suggestions of citizens to the government on public welfare, etc. Preferably create one centre for each Police Station jurisdiction, he said.

“For effective prevention of diseases and improved health of the citizens, sanitation and inculcation of healthy habits are most essential. Besides access to basic health services, people require clean drinking water, hygienic food and practice of healthy living habits, etc. This calls for a synergistic mechanism for coordinated efforts by the Department of Health, Public Health Engineering, Education and Social Welfare to ensure better health status of the people of Assam,” Mahanta said.

The proposals include setting up of Pay and Use public convenience centres in towns and cities, along the State and National Highways, preferably at an interval of 50 km. Government can provide the necessary land along with financial facility to set up such centres. The centres along the highway can serve as small hubs for marketing of local products and hygienic refreshments.

Installation of automated traffic signal system to ease traffic congestion in the cities and towns. Need to create lay-byes for city buses, lay service lanes, enforce traffic discipline and create adequate parking facilities.

The DAAA has also demanded measures to reverse rural to urban migration, encourage local youth to take up dairy, piggery, fishery and bird farming through necessary financial and institutional support.

Sentinel Assam