
Registration of Citizenship in Assam: Home Minister Rajnath Singh Assures a Hassle-free NRC

Sentinel Digital Desk

On Sunday, it was said by the Home Minister, Rajnath Singh, on July 30 that the document that is going to get published is only a draft of Assam’s National Register of Citizens (NRC), and adequate opportunity to make claims and objections would be given to the people. He also stated that the final draft will be prepared in a transparent, impartial and meticulous manner.

On Twitter, Singh stated that there is no reason for panic or fear and that no person will be allowed to be harassed. It will be ensured that each and every individual is treated in a humane manner and gets justice. Further, he added that the NRC, a list which comprises the people of Assam was being updated in accordance with the Assam accord signed on August 15, 1985.

Singh wrote that every individual shall have sufficient opportunity for all assistance available under the law and at every stage of the process, sufficient opportunity will be given to all persons to be heard.

He stated that the final register will be published only after scrutinizing all claims and objections.

In 2015, the NRC had begun getting updated in Assam to create a definitive list of citizens of the state. On January 1, the first draft was published, which has verified 1.9 crore people out of the 3.29 crore who applied. On July 30, the final draft will be published. This exercise is targeted at identifying the illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.