

Sentinel Digital Desk

The Human Resource department is one of the most important branches of an organization which deals with employees. It includes recruiting, vetting, selecting, hiring, on boarding, training, promoting, paying, staff welfare and even, firing employees. The HR department plays the role of a bridge. It forwards the policies of the management down to the employees and the feedback and or any requirements of the employees to the management. It is also related to ‘Customer Service’, which plays a major role in present day corporate world.

The role of the HR department is to connect the employees and the customers like a bridge which is built to connect river banks or mountain ranges, swampy and risky fields. Bridges are built between mountain ranges .It is built to make the journey easier and cover the strong negative forces.

Vaastu comes into the picture here to make the energy smoother. Vaastu bridges the gap of negative energies between people, nation, companies, enemies, etc. To counter the negative energy, a very strong positive force is required. Therefore, ideally the HR should sit in the east as this direction is full of positive energy.

The HR department should avoid having water fountains. Water is a flowing energy having an unrestricted form of energy. But HR should not to let either management or the employees come to any sort of conflicts. A water source, if placed wrongly, can bring negative energy and depression.

The HR department must have paintings of white horses representing energy and dolphins which are known to be very friendly animals. The HR department needs to have employee friendly policies.

(Image of dolphins)


Our appearance is enhanced or downgraded by the clothes we wear. Vaastu and Feng shui give utmost importance to dresses which have different effect on others. The colour of your clothing can have a significant influence on how you feel or make others feel about you. This is very true in your workplace. A smartly dressed person impresses others and cannot be looked down upon easily. We will discuss certain colors for office wear.

One must include BLUE in office wear (mostly shirts and tops) which has a soothing power to cool down the temper of your boss! One should always have a pair of blue shirt, t-shirts, ties, scarf and other outfits in this magical colour. Reason being that blue has amazing power to cool down things. If you are having any disagreement with your boss for some reason then you can wear this shade so as to avoid any further conflict.

Wear RED on the day when you have performed well or have met the targets. Red has immense power to attract. When we submit a big project successfully, we want everyone to take notice and appreciate. So whenever you have achieved something worthwhile then go in for a red outfit.

YELLOW and BROWN provide stability and are best suited for days when you need to take important decisions. If you are at a much higher level in the hierarchy then these colours will be very beneficial for you.

On the day of presentation, black colour should be avoided. Most of the professionals own a black or navy blue business suit. But a total black look on the day of any important meeting with a client can make you look dull and unimpressive. Something like a pink tie, a light yellow shirt will make you look professional and smart.

GREEN is best suited for the marketing department or the finance department as this color shows growth and development. This is a perfect shade to put on while meeting new clients, while attending any employee training seminars. If reflects success and development in any form.


Pitru Paksha literally means the "fortnight of the ancestors". It is a 16 day lunar period in Hindu calendar when they pay homage to their ancestor Pitrus, especially through food offerings. Pitru Paksha is considered by Hindus to be very inauspicious, during which the death rite or Shraddha/Tarpan is performed during the ceremony. It falls in the 2nd paksha or fortnight of Hindu lunar month of Bhadrapada (September) and follows the fortnight immediately after the Ganesh festival.

The performance of Shraddha by a son during Pitru Paksha is regarded as compulsory by Hindus, to ensure that the soul of the ancestor goes to heaven. According to the scripture Markandeya Purana, if the ancestors are content with the shraddhas, they will bestow health, wealth, knowledge and longevity, and ultimately heaven and salvation or Moksha upon the performer. This year, the dates for the Shraddha are from 13th to 28th September.

The food offerings made to the ancestors are usually cooked in silver or copper vessels and typically placed on a banana leaf or cups made of dried leaves. The food must include kheer which is a type of sweet rice and milk, a sweet porridge made of wheat grains and khichdi made of rice, dal (lentils), the vegetable of spring bean and a yellow gourd (pumpkin).


Pitru Paksha is considered to be a bad time to start new ventures. One should be very careful while starting something new during this period. Since time immemorial, people also take care of minute details of Pitru Paksha. Buying new clothes, long vacations and haircuts/ shaves must be avoided by the one performing the rites.

Weddings and other celebrations are also not perceived well when Pitru Paksha period is on the calendar. People also postpone moving to new homes and new business ventures during these days.

One should be cautious while having meals. Eating onion, garlic and non-vegetarian food is not good. Even consumption of liquor must be stopped during Pitru Paksha. The Pitru Paksha ritual should be performed with a clean and honest heart without any negativity in the mind to obtain best results.