Saturday Fare

Adil Hussain's Film to be Screened at HRW Film Festival

Sentinel Digital Desk

Critically acclaimed actor from Assam, Adil Hussain's film 'What will people say?' has been selected to be screened at the Human Rights Watch Film Festival. The festival which will take place in New York will be held from June 14 to 21. 'What will people say?' is scheduled to be screened on June 15.

The film revolves around sixteen-year-old Nisha who lives a double life. At home with her conservative Pakistani family she is the perfect, compliant daughter. But when out with her friends, she is a typical Norwegian teenager - partying and exploring relationships. When her father discovers her deception, Nisha's two worlds brutally collide.

Trapped between countries and perceptions of honor, Nisha is forced to find her own way in life. Adil Hussain's plays the role of her father, who is not entirely unsympathetic with her predicament.

This gripping and powerfully acted drama from Norwegian-Pakistani filmmaker Iram Haq untangles the complex relationship between a father and daughter and presents an empathetic perspective on family, community, and culture.

'What Will People Say?' was part of the Platform competition at the recent Toronto Film Festival.