Saturday Fare

Beauty Tips: Argan Oil for Skin Pores

Sentinel Digital Desk

Oil for Skin

Argan Oil for Skin Pores


A few drops of argan oil


* Lightly warm up the oil between your fingers and apply on the face.

* Massage the oil in for a couple of minutes.

* Rinse with lukewarm water after half an hour. Repeat this every night before going to bed.

This oil nourishes the skin and diminishes large & open pores. It is rich in fatty acids & vitamin E that hydrate the skin & keep it glowing.

Jojoba Oil


3-4 drops jojoba oil


* Massage jojoba oil on your skin for a couple of minutes.

* Leave the oil on overnight. Use this remedy a few times during the week.

The consistency of jojoba oil is very similar to the skin's natural oil. It cleans the clogged pores and minimizes the size of enlarged pores.

Olive Oil


A few drops of extra virgin olive oil


* Massage the olive oil on the large pores in gentle circular motions for a few minutes.

* Rinse the oil off with lukewarm water. Repeat this once every day.

The phenolic compounds of olive oil have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and keep the skin healthy.

Tea Tree Oil


* 3-4 drops tea tree oil

* A cup of water

* A small spray bottle


* Pour the water into the spray bottle, add the tea tree oil, and shake well.

* Store this bottle in the refrigerator.

* Once it coold, spritz some of this water all over your face. Let this water evaporate naturally. Use this spray as a facial toner every morning & evening on a clean face.

The astringent properties of tea tree oil help in reducing pore size and also diminishing their appearance. This essential oil is also a potent antimicrobial agent