Saturday Fare

Health Tips | Part - I

Sentinel Digital Desk

Mind Toxins With Mint

A strong diuretic by nature mint helps to flush out toxins from body and helps to cleanse the blood. 30 ml of fresh mint juice or an infusion made using a few mint leaves in warm water early morning is an effective remedial potion to mind toxins from body.

Favor Flax Seeds For Fatty Acids and Fibre

Ranked as number 1 for its 'omega-3 fatty acid' content, flax seeds work best at fighting free radicals that can cause inflammation of blood vessels together with 'lignans', a type of fibre present in it that averts the formation of plaque.

Interesting fact is these heart protective nutrients are intact and active even on cooking or baking at high temperatures which allows you to gobble 1 tbsp (15 gm) of roasted and ground flax seeds /day as it is or simply add it to salads, muffins, parathas etc to ensure a healthy heart.

Grip on to Green Tea

Active compounds like 'catechin', 'caffeine' and 'theanine' found in green tea (particularly Camellia sinesis) are believed to prevent heart ailments, cancer and lower blood lipid levels.

However to savor tea's benefits prepare it the right way viz. pour a cup full (150-200 ml) of hot water (boiled enough to reach temperature below its boiling point) over 3 to 4 gms of tea leaves in a tea pot and let it brew for approximately 30 seconds and strain. Do not add milk as it inactivates the beneficial compounds instead try adding few slices of ginger, lemon juice, mint or even honey to perk up the flavour.

Awesome Amla

A daily dose of 1 medium sized amla (Indian gooseberry) is enough to mount up body's immunity and vitality with its high vitamin C content. To avoid the loss of this valuable vitamin bite in the whole amla or have freshly cut pieces.
