Saturday Fare

How to Grow Thick Eyebrows Naturally

Sentinel Digital Desk

Thick, well-shaped eyebrows can enhance your look, while thin and sparse eyebrows can make you look older and dull If your eyebrows are too thin, you can easily solve this problem with the help of some natural home remedies.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is one of the most effective remedies to boost the growth of your eyebrows. It contains protein, vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants that nourish the hair follicles and promote hair growth.

Coconut Oil

The various proteins as well as nutrients like vitamin E and iron in coconut oil promote healthy and thick eyebrows. It can also help make your eyebrows darker.

Olive Oil

Being rich in Vitamin E, olive oil can help your eyebrow hair grow faster and thicker. It will also help keep it dark-hued.

Onion Juice

Onion juice also aids faster and denser growth of eyebrow hair. The juice has sulfur that improves the production of collagen tissues required for proper eyebrow growth.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds can also help grow thick eyebrows. They are rich in protein as well as nicotinic acid and lecithin that promote hair growth.

Now get those thick eyebrows with these tips.

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