Saturday Fare

White Spots On The Fingernails

Sentinel Digital Desk

What Causes White Spots On The Fingernails?

The sudden appearance of white spots on your nails is due to:

* An allergic reaction to a nail product

* A fungal infection (white superficial onychomycosis)

* An injury to the nail or nail bed

* mineral deficiencies like zinc & calcium

Symptoms of Leukonychia

The white spots may look like:

* Tiny pointed dots

* Large lines across the nail

* Large individual dots

Depending on the cause, these white spots may vary in their appearance.

* A nail injury can result in large white dots in the center of the nail.

* Allergies often cause small dots all over the nail.

If these white spots are bothering you, and you want to get rid of them right at home, you have landed on the right page. Here are a few simple home remedies that can help remove the white spots on your finger or toenails.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of them

6 drops of lavender oil

15 mL of olive or coconut oil

What You Have To Do

* Add six drops of lavender oil to 15 ml of any carrier oil (olive or coconut oil). Mix them well.

* Apply this mixture to your fingernails and massage.

* Leave it on for about 15 minutes before washing it off with water.

How Often You Should Do This: Do this twice daily until you notice an improvement.

Why This Works

Lavender oil has strong antifungal properties that can help in treating persistent white spots caused by a fungal infection. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties can speed up healing and reduce pain if the white spots are the result of an injury.

Deficiencies in vitamin C, calcium, and zinc can lead to the appearance of white spots on your nails. Hence, it is necessary that you get enough of these nutrients through your diet. Consume citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, oysters, nuts, chicken, milk, yogurt that are good sources of these nutrients.

To know more home remedies, read the complete article, please visit: