
A new political party in Assam

Sentinel Digital Desk

It is the testing time for Assam and the Assamese people. There is no doubt that the Assamese society as a whole is now suffering from existential crisis in its own state! It is not a figment of imagination. It is the reality, today! Perhaps, no other community in the country feels letdown badly, as Assamese does. We faced deceit and deprivation, in last 73 years. The weak leadership of the successive state governments has been helping the Centre to unleash their nefarious design to bulldoze us with ease, in our rightful claims, when we don't ask for other's pound of flesh? The Constitution has given the Centre the right to explore our resources, but not to exploit the locals which is against the spirit of democracy and equality. Wielding right without responsibility is nonsensical and despicable as well. We want to live life with dignity, holding our head high as free citizens in democratic India.

Now, let us come to the moot point. Forming a new party is not a big deal. But, point is whether it would help solving our problems? Or, would it end up like the AGP? While extending support to a new party, Assamese people have to think not twice but many times! In the attempt to form a new party we can't wish away the saying: "Once bitten, twice shy". Despite the fact, we need a regional party of our own. There is no harm in taking another chance. However, the formation of new party does not seem to be an easy task in Assam, since there have been hundreds of organizations with different ideologies and interest. But one thing is for sure that no national party would ever solve Assam's problem. Therefore, the only option left before us is to unite or perish! Unity among us is needed for our survival as a society. At this trying time, there is no point of not coming together when our interest and vision are the same. The various groups/ organizations in the picture can make things happen provided they, bury their ideological differences, personal ambitions/interest, one-upmanship attitude and also by putting their egos in the back burners. At the same time they must vow to work in unison with a view to wrest power in the state in 2021and give Assam and Assamese society a new lease of life. And it is possible too. However, time is slipping very fast. Act fast! Gautam Buddha once said-" The trouble is, you think you have time".

Prafulla Dowarah,
