
Exam sans class!

Sentinel Digital Desk

Coronavirus has been causing many problems all over the world, including our education sector. In this case, it is common for a developing country like India to face uncertainty in various fields. All over India, the education sector is in crisis. Educational institutions across the country are closed due to the lockdown. There is no other option. As a result, there is no doubt that the future of the students is moving towards darkness.

Some educational institutions are offering online classes, but not all. Network is also a major problem in India, both in rural are urban areas. Not all students are able to attend online classes. Some even cannot afford to buy smart phones.

On the other hand, schools have also made arrangements for online teaching. But not all schools have been able to provide online education. This is because in many places there are network problems and not everyone has smart phones at home. It is impossible to teach in an online class without smart phones. So I think it is not possible to conduct an exam without regular classes.

Barnali Sarmah,
