
Vaccine availability: Letters to The Editor

Sentinel Digital Desk

Vaccine availability

There has been a huge spike in Covid-19 cases in recent days all across the state. People are trying to get vaccinated as soon as possible to minimize the risk of getting infected by the virus. But the lockdown in many notable cities is causing supply chain disruption, leading to the shortage of vaccines.

The Cowin portal needs to be more optimized to deliver real-time information about the availability of the vaccine dose in a particular centre precisely. For the 18+ vaccination drive, some are unable to get the slot due to the slow internet connectivity or inaccessibility to a smartphone. Interactive Phone Call booking can be introduced in a further step to prevent any bias comes out from a lack of resources. Also, there might be a chance of spreading Covid during the vaccination line as the physical distancing is not obeyed properly in many centres. To prevent the vaccination drive to act as a double-edged sword, the authority concerned needs to implement strict rules in the vaccination centres.

Sourabh Pran Borah,


Compensation to doctors

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) on May 19 appealed to the Assam Government to compensate all the doctors who succumbed to death while they were on duty for treatment of COVID-19 patients. The Assam Government should honour this. It is welcomed and adored.

Putul Sarma,

Biswamath Chariali