
Of mes Not in the NRC

Sentinel Digital Desk

The legally acceptable and correct position about the updated tiol Register of Citizens is that it should contain the mes of all Indian citizens of Assam regardless of their faiths or the languages they speak but should not contain a single me of anyone who is not an Indian citizen. This is not an easy goal to achieve, considering the large number of non-Indians who have been living illegally in the State for a long time. The black immigration law called the Illegal Migrants (Determition by Tribuls) Act of 1983 was largely responsible for this, because for 22 years the government of the State was virtually debarred from identifying and deporting any foreign migrant living illegally in Assam, even when their existence was well known to the State government and its people. The IM(DT) Act was a hara-kiri law for the people of Assam that should never have been ected. There was a lot of mischief relating to foreign migrants living in Assam illegally. The perpetrators of the mischief were people in high places without a shred of goodwill for the State and its people. There is already a great deal of concern about what such people can do to the updating of the NRC as the task nears completion. The Chief Minister of Assam is aware of the vested interests hell-bent on creating confusion among the people by launching a misinformation campaign. As such, it is tural to expect that everything possible will have to be done to neutralize the nefarious plans of the vested interests to sabotage the updating of the NRC because the publication of a correct NRC will clearly identify the foreign migrants living illegally in Assam. The time for strong measures is now. The time for major surgery is now. The Chief Minister of the State should have the full and unstinted support of the Indian citizens of Assam when he unleashes very strong measures against foreign migrants living illegally in Assam.