
Roadside vendors

Sentinel Digital Desk

One thing is for certain that we cannot continue the lockdown in order to fight against the COVID -19 pandemic for a long time till some vaccine or medicine is invented against the virus. Most of the countries in the world are slowly returning to normalcy and some countries like Japan, Germany, Norway, China have started reopening of schools with strict guidelines and defined norms regarding social distancing and health hygiene. Our state may also reopen schools by July and already an SOP for the same is under preparation.. From 8th of June almost all activities will run as usual.

As everything rolls back to normal we shall have to be more and more careful on social distancing, wearing of mask and following other guidelines issued by the authority concerned from time to time. Maintenance of hygiene by the vendors selling meat, fish and others is rarely seen.

Through your esteemed daily I would like to draw the attention of the authority concerned to kindly allow sale of meat and fish in the markets earmarked for the same and not on footpaths as it causes serious problem for pedestrian and iIn maintaining social distance etc.

In Beltola Bazar Road vegetable vendors are selling vegetables daily and some vendors are seen occupying the footpaths, as such some systematic guidelines may be given to them so that health hygiene and social distancing can be maintained by all concerned and the vendors can also earn their livelihood.

Bikash Barpujari,
