
Earth is Flat, Said YouTube

Sentinel Digital Desk

In a major goof-up, popular video-sharing platform YouTube projected it upon impressionable minds that — the Earth is flat — raising the number of people who now seriously believe the planet to be a flat unending stretch of land, a study said. The fact which is to the contrary was proved almost five centuries back, when Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan famously circumnavigated the Earth from 1519-1522, which would have been impossible if it had had an edge. However, Google-owned YouTube is now contributing to people believing the Earth is round.

“Their suspicion was raised when they attended the world’s largest gatherings of ‘Flat Earthers’ at the movement’s annual conference in Rayleigh, North Carolina, in 2017, and then in Denver, Colorado, last year,” The Guardian reported late on Sunday. According to Asheley Landrum, who led the research at Texas Tech University, identified the prime driver for the startling rise in the number of Flat-believers. (IANS)

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