
Here are some resolutions for a better, healthier and happier 2020

Sentinel Digital Desk

Health is Wealth: Eat healthy and sleep well. It is important to eat a balanced diet with lots of greens. Fulfill your protein intake. Drink lots of water and keep your body hydrated at all times.

Sleep well: “Early to bed, and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise," goes the saying. According to Ayurveda, it is important to have synergy between the day's schedule and the sun's energy. Sufficient sleep is required to ensure that the body functions well.

Exercise well: Sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart ailments. Often a 10-minute walk between hours is suggested to ensure better blood circulation. A regular 30 minutes exercise routine can keep one fit and healthy.

Meditate: Meditate for a few minutes to soothe your senses. The age-old Indian practice of meditation can have significant physical and mental benefits.

Read, Read and Read: Reading is often considered as an act of revolution. One can start with a few pages a day. According to research, reading can help readers cultivate empathy.

Learn a skill: Give wings to your desire and learn something new. This can help you break the monotony of life. Depending on what you learn, you can build your physical and emotional strength.

Travel: Travel the world before it is too late. Meeting new people and seeing new places can open you up in ways that you could have never imagined.

Spend time with family: Social media addiction can cut your family time. So switch your mobile after work and spend time with your loved ones.

Think for others: Not everybody has the resources or the ability that you have. Contribute towards society by donating your resources. This could be your time or skill or any other monetary help. There are people who need you.

Love yourself: Take time out to pamper yourself. Learn to respect yourself and others.