
Effective Home Remedies to Heal Tooth Sensitivity

Sentinel Digital Desk


Tooth sensitivity takes place when the dentine (layer under tooth enamel) gets exposed due to receding gums, making the dentine deliver a sharp pain that gives rise to sensitive teeth at times of eating as well as drinking. People should follow definite precautions such as keeping up oral hygiene, applying a soft-bristled toothbrush, and avoiding excess acidic food. Regular checkups with a consulted doctor will aid an individual in managing sensitive teeth conditions. This condition can be caused by numerous problems, inclusive of receding gums, gingivitis, and over-brushing.

The use of home remedies is eminent in every part of the country as they are efficacious, economical, and easy to use. To get relief for sensitive teeth, the following home remedies can be considered:

Salt with warm water mixture often assists in alleviating pain symptoms as salt is a natural antiseptic that also helps to reduce inflammation.

A cold compress is a tried and tested method for quick, temporary relief from dental pain. By using a cold pack, a person is able to lessen swelling and alleviate the inflammation in the mouth.

Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse, a mild antiseptic, and disinfectant can help heal the gums as well as prevent inflammation. In order to apply this mouth rinse, two tablespoons of three percent hydrogen peroxide to two tablespoons of warm water is recommended to put on followed by swishing the solution inside the mouth for up to 30 seconds.

Green tea- for sensitive teeth, green tea can be used as a mouthwash twice a day as it helps strengthen teeth and reduce inflammation.

Garlic can be sliced and applied directly to the affected tooth for relaxation since garlic contains allicin, which diminishes bacteria and soothes pain.

Onion is a prevalent at-home remedy possessing antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory elements. Cutting an onion piece and placing it on the sensitive teeth for five minutes certainly assist in treating tooth pain.

Coconut Oil has anti-inflammatory properties helping reduce tooth pain. In order to apply this technique, pouring a tablespoon of coconut oil inside the mouth and swishing for two minutes to lessen the toothache is beneficial.

Clove Oil desensitizes the affected tooth and its surrounding gums. This oil relieves pain and as well as disinfects the mouth.

Honey, one of the favorable antibacterial agents, can be applied for wound and can assist in quick healing, as well as lessen pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Turmeric, as an anti-inflammatory treatment, comprises of a compound called curcumin known for its effectual anti-inflammatory effects which has been used in Ayurvedic treatments as an agent to enhance wound healing since ages. It can aid in toothaches too.

Home remedies may alleviate tooth pain. Nevertheless, if the tooth sensitivity persists for more than a few weeks, it is highly recommended to schedule an appointment with a dentist. The consulted doctor will identify the cause of the tooth sensitivity and commend the best course of treatment to appease the pain.

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