
Increase your Lung Power

Sentinel Digital Desk

The capacity and strength of your lungs are increased as you practice heart openers like bow pose or wheel position. Yoga breathing techniques can aid in clearing mucus from the lungs and airways

Paying closer attention to your lung health is essential given the rising levels of pollution brought on by the epidemic. Yoga is thought to reduce stress and strengthen the lungs by increasing the effectiveness of lung functions. Some yoga poses expand the size of your lungs and greatly improve the clarity of your airways and nasal system. Early in the morning is the greatest time to do these yoga poses since it will keep you energised, upbeat, and active for the rest of the day. The capacity and strength of your lungs are increased as you practice heart openers like bow pose or wheel position. Yoga breathing techniques can aid in clearing mucus from the lungs and airways.

Hasta uttanasana

To perform Hasta uttanasana also known as yoga pose with raised arms, start the pose by standing upright in samasthiti. Make sure your hands are facing one another and are connected as you extend your arms above your head. Your head needs to be positioned between your arms. Gently lean back while keeping your knees straight and your eyes open. Stay here for a while, then move back to your starting location and repeat.


To perform Dhanurasana or the bow pose, start by lying on the mat with your stomach toward the ground. Your legs should now be bent toward your hips, while your palms are holding your ankles. As high as you are able to, lift your arms and legs. Try to maintain the position for as long as you can while looking up.

Ardha Chandrasana

Come into Padahastasana to begin Ardha Chandrasana also known as Half-Moon Pose. Drop your knees and extend your right toes while extending your right leg back. Look up while raising your arms above your head. Ensure that your right knee and ankle are in line. Create an arch with your upper back bent so that it resembles a half-moon. Hold the position for a short while. Apply the same technique to the other leg.


Ustrasana is also known as the camel posture. The camel stance strengthens the lungs and increases the efficiency with which they can absorb oxygen. Start by kneeling on the yoga mat and placing your hands on your hips. When your arms are straight, arch your back and glide your palms over your feet. Maintain a neutral position for your neck rather than flexing or straining it. Hold this position for a few breaths. Repeat the stance at least five times while gently exhaling.


Lay on your back and fold your legs at the knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor, to perform Chakrasana, often known as the "Wheel Pose." Palms facing upward as you flex your arms from the elbows Now turn your arms at the shoulders, putting your palms on the floor on either side of your head. Take a deep breath in, pull your body up into an arch by applying pressure to your palms and legs. You should let your neck relax and gradually reposition your head.

Cat pose

The cat posture is one of the simplest yet most beneficial yoga poses since it works your back, shoulders, wrists, and hips. To perform the cat pose, get on your hands and knees while maintaining a shoulder distance between your hands and your knees. Deeply exhale, round your spine, lower your head, and bring your lower belly in and upward. To relieve the stance, progressively revert to a neutral spine position.

Locust pose

Salabhasana, also known as the locust posture, helps open the airways by stretching the lungs and strengthening the back muscles that support the spine. Always start in locust pose with your feet together because it helps you become ready for deeper backbends. With your head, torso, and legs lifted, rest your hands on either side with the palms facing down and keep them there. With your inner thighs leading, do this. Keep your shoulders rolled back and away from the floor.


This is also known as the cobra pose. Perform this pose by placing your palms behind your shoulders while lying flat on your stomach. Keep your toes on the ground and your feet together. Take a deep breath in (Purak), hold it for a moment (Kumbak), and then raise your chest, shoulders, and head at an angle of 30 degrees. Make sure your shoulders are broad, your head is slightly elevated upward, and your navel stays on the floor. Applying pressure to your toes activates the Sun and Moon channels, which are related to your lower back on the right and left, respectively. Remain in position for 10 seconds. Slowly lower your torso before exhaling (Rechak) – This breathing technique is beneficial.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

This is also called the upward facing dog pose. Your stomach should be on the ground when you lie down. Your arms must be placed next to your torso, and your feet must be pointed downward. Fold your elbows gently. Position your palms closer to your floating ribs and under your shoulders. Take a deep breath, place your hands firmly on the ground, and then gradually lift your chest, knees, and hips off the mat. Maintain sturdy, straight elbows when raising your arms. Spread your shoulders and raise your head. Be careful not to let your knees touch the ground. Curl your toes inward and press them on the ground before extending them forth. Maintain the position for a short while. Release your breath.

Yoga Mudrasana

Psychic union pose is another name for this forward-bent seated yoga position. Leg, hip, arm, and shoulder joints all become more flexible as a result. For newcomers, the posture is a little challenging. It is therefore advised to try it while your yoga trainer watches, and after a week of practice, you will ultimately be able to touch the ground. It awakens the kundalini and opens the chakras and it cures diabetes, asthma, and hypertension.


The frog position, also known as mandukasana, prevents heart disease and treats colitis at its source. It provides relief from constipation and diabetes. Your lung capacity grows when you practice this stance frequently. It makes the body quiet and promotes lung expansion and deep breathing.

Tiryaka Tadasana

This is also known as the "swaying palm tree stance." It is a side-stretch-involved version of the tadasana. The muscles in the arm and leg, spine, and sides of the body are all effectively stretched. It helps to thin off the abdominal fat and opens up the chest. Gastritis and constipation can both be cured with its aid. People with bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and asthma can greatly benefit from it.

The asanas of yoga provide all-encompassing treatments that benefit your lungs. By performing heart-opening poses like the bow and wheel, you can strengthen your lungs and increase your ability to absorb oxygen. Mucus can be removed from the lungs and airways with the aid of lung cleansing treatments such as asanas and breathing exercises.

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