
Maintain Mental Equilibrium

Sentinel Digital Desk

Mood swings, particularly those that are severe and occur frequently, have the potential to be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition. Mood swings are a symptom of a number of different disorders, some of which can affect both males and females while others only affect females. Some of these disorders can even be inherited.

What are mood swings?

The word "mood swing" refers to an abrupt shift in one's emotional state that can be either sudden or dramatic. A person who is experiencing a mood swing may unexpectedly go from being upbeat and cheerful to becoming depressed, cranky, or bitter. This is something that would occur very abruptly.

Why mood swings happen?

In many cases, the onset of mood swings can be traced back to aspects of a person's lifestyle.

People are more likely to suffer rapid fluctuations in mood when they are going through a significant change in their lives.

Mood swings, particularly those that are severe and occur frequently, have the potential to be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition. Mood swings are a symptom of a number of different disorders, some of which can affect both males and females while others only affect females. Some of these disorders can even be inherited. Significant life transitions can occasionally cause abrupt shifts in a person's mood. Mood swings can affect everyone, regardless of gender, including men and women.

The following are examples of circumstances that frequently have an effect on either sex's mood:

Bipolar disorder

A person is said to have bipolar disorder if they go through cycles of intense emotional ups and downs in the form of mania and depression. It may occur infrequently or on a regular basis throughout the year.

Major depressive disorder (MDD)

People who suffer from MDD are plagued by recurring emotions of sadness and often lose interest in activities that they used to take pleasure in.


Cyclothymia is a condition in which a person has extreme swings in their mood. It is comparable to bipolar disorder, but the symptoms aren't as severe and it doesn't happen as often.

Persistent depressive disorder (PDD)

In the past, those who suffered from this type of depression were diagnosed with dysthymia. People who have PDD have long-term sensations of low mood that last for at least two years after the symptoms first appear.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

A person who suffers from BPD may struggle to maintain control over their behaviour and may experience dramatic shifts in mood as well as problems with their self-image. People who suffer from borderline personality disorder are plagued by an extreme dread of being abandoned, and their romantic relationships are frequently unstable.

Other illnesses related to mental health

Alterations in mood can also be caused by a number of other mental health conditions, including the following:

Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which a person experiences hallucinations or delusion. Schizophrenia has a major negative effect on one's quality of life.

Disorder of Disruptive Mood Dysregulation (DMDD)

DMDD is a bipolar disorder that affects children in which the individual experiences intense moodiness, including anger, extreme irritability, and temper outbursts.

Substance usage

Taking in excessive amounts of alcohol or drugs can have a negative impact on mental health and result in major mood shifts.

Conditions relating to one's body

A person's mood can be significantly altered by their physical health, particularly if they are suffering from a chronic or fatal illness. These changes may take a direct form or they may take an indirect form (by triggering depression or anxiety).

The following are some examples of medical conditions that might contribute to shifts in mood:

• Alzheimer's disease

• Disease of the coronary arteries

• Diabete

• Epilepsy


• Multiple sclerosis (MS)

• The disorder known as Parkinson's

• Arthritis rheumatoid in patients

• Stroke

• Thyroid disorders

Reasons why women are prone to mood swings

Significant alterations in mood can be brought on by changes in hormone levels. In general, females are more likely to experience symptoms of hormonal shifts, particularly during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause than males. This is especially true during the menopause.

The following are common factors that contribute to mood fluctuations in females:

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

PMS manifests itself in a variety of ways in the days leading up to the start of a woman's period.

The illness known as Premenstrual Dysphoric Syndrome (PMDD)

A more severe type of PMS is known as PMDD. It is frequently accompanied by either anxiety or depression.

The patient may experience significant mood swings, persistent irritability or hostility, depression, or anxiety as symptoms of this condition. In addition to this, it might create physical symptoms that are analogous to those of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Swings in mood during pregnancy

During pregnancy, unexpected variations in mood, as well as feelings of fear and vulnerability, can be brought on by fluctuations in hormone levels. Alterations in a woman's body might sometimes have an effect on her emotions. These shifts in mood may be more noticeable during the first trimester of pregnancy.


The menopause is a natural shift in a woman's life that occurs when her menstrual cycles come to a stop. A lack of libido, sleep disturbances, and hot flashes are among common symptoms of menopause.

How to deal with mood swings?

Managing mood swings can be intriguing, but there are a few things you can do to help make the situation more tolerable:

Talk things over with your attending physician

If you find that you are having a harder and harder time controlling your mood swings, it may be time to discuss the issue with your primary care physician and find out what they advise.


After it has been determined that there is nothing physically wrong with you, you should seriously consider getting help for your mental health problems. You can learn better coping skills and ways to process the emotions that you experience as a result of your mood swings by getting treatment in the form of therapy.

Social Support

Keeping in touch with family and friends on a regular basis is something that should be prioritised highly. Make an effort to prevent yourself from becoming isolated and maintain communication with a reliable person. Having these connections can make it easier for you to deal with situations.

Adjust your diet

Make an effort to give yourself enough time to transition to eating healthier foods. Carry out some study and make an effort to come up with alternate options that are both healthy and appealing to you.

Get frequent exercise

It's crucial to move around as much as you can, especially since exercise is beneficial to your health.In order to ensure that you are making time for your health, you should make exercise a regular part of your routine.

Make time for sleep

Getting enough quality sleep is critical to both your physical wellbeing and your ability to carry out everyday tasks. When you sleep, your body is able to replenish its energy stores. Create space in your routine so that you can get the seven to eight hours of sleep that experts recommend you get each night.

The process of managing your mood swings may be challenging, but you should know that you are not alone. When you see the warning signals, get assistance for yourself, and encourage others who might be struggling to do the same.

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