
The Link between Oral Health and our Immune System

Sentinel Digital Desk


Though bacteria enters via the mouth, complications are not limited to only the dental cavity. Bacteria can also infect the bloodstream and respiratory system if left unchecked. The most common form of gum disease bacteria, known as gingivitis, is only a mild case. However, the severe case, known as periodontitis, can build up in the mouth and enter the rest of the body via the bloodstream. When it enters the bloodstream, it can set off an immune response, which may set off a chain reaction that leads to other health complications if not addressed early on. 

Our oral health and immune system go hand in hand. Our mouth is a gateway into our body and it does its best to fight off anything that compromises our well-being. But if oral hygiene is left unchecked, it can have dire consequences on the body. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer as well as gum disease and cavities, have all been linked to our poor oral health. The linkage of systemic illness to our oral health is through bacteria.

Almost all problems that arise from poor oral health are from bacteria. The mouth is the ideal environment for bacteria to thrive. It is warm, moist and has an ample amount of nutrients for bacteria. If you fail to brush or floss daily, food particles are left behind, which help bacteria to grow and fester in your gums. When bacteria growth is out of control, many complications can occur. Though bacteria enters via the mouth, complications are not limited to only the dental cavity. Bacteria can also infect the bloodstream and respiratory system if left unchecked. The most common form of gum disease bacteria, known as gingivitis, is only a mild case. However, the severe case, known as periodontitis, can build up in the mouth and enter the rest of the body via the bloodstream. When it enters the bloodstream, it can set off an immune response, which may set off a chain reaction that leads to other health complications if not addressed early on.

It is the job of your immune system to attack and kill any bacteria that invades the body. Gingivitis and periodontal disease are inflammatory diseases that arise from an overabundance of bacteria. Inflammation from bacteria signals your immune system to step into action. These inflammatory bacteria are enemies of the immune system and work tirelessly to disrupt the germ-killing response of your immune system.

When your immune system must focus its attention on the mouth, it subverts attention from other parts of the body where inflammation and infections occur. This subversion promotes further inflammation by inhibiting your immune system from attacking invading bacteria in other parts of the body. Having other underlining health conditions increases the severity of this process, causing the disease to take over the body.

Hence keeping your oral health in check, keeps the rest of your body healthy too. Go for your regular oral health check up and consult your doctor if your systemic illness is related to your oral health.

By: Dr Swagat Pranam Sharma

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