
Watch Out for Eating Disorders

Sentinel Digital Desk

Anorexia is a disorder that is characterised by a preoccupation with dieting and weight loss to the point where the individual is malnourished. In essence, anorexia is self-starvation.

Many times, eating disorders are the result of a convoluted interaction between a person's genetics, their psychology, and their surroundings. Despite the fact that anyone can be affected by them, the majority of people who struggle with eating disorders are female. Because of the singularity of each woman's experience, it might be challenging to identify the specific origin of an eating disorder. The following are examples of possible factors:

  • Genetics
  • Low self-esteem
  • Emotional strains such as anxiety and despair
  • A history of mistreating children
  • Obesity among children
  • Alterations in hormone levels
  • Social expectations and pressures about attractiveness

Although eating disorders can manifest themselves at any point in a person's life, they tend to emerge throughout the teenage years and the early years of adulthood.

What are the many classifications of eating disorders?

Eating disorders frequently manifest themselves in a variety of ways and are notoriously challenging to treat. However, becoming familiar with the symptoms of each variety can make it easier to spot them.

Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia is a disorder that is characterised by a preoccupation with dieting and weight loss to the point where the individual is malnourished. In essence, anorexia is self-starvation. Women who have this illness may develop an unhealthy preoccupation with their weight and the false belief that they are overweight. Anorexia can cause:

  • Dry skin
  • Hair that is brittle
  • Digestive difficulties
  • Unsteady or erratic heartbeat
  • Headaches
  • The possibility of a cardiac arrest
  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Liver problems

Bulimia nervosa

The behaviour of binge eating huge quantities of food, followed by feelings of guilt or shame, and then purging or forcing oneself to vomit in order to compensate for the overeating is characteristic of bulimia. People who have this condition may try to purge their bodies of excess calories by using laxatives or enemas. People who have bulimia frequently suffer from the following:

  • Dehydration
  • Acid reflux
  • Decay of the teeth
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Discomfort in the abdomen

Binge eating disorder

People who have this illness do not make themselves vomit, despite the fact that it is quite similar to bulimia in terms of binge eating. Many people are able to distinguish between eating due to physical hunger and eating due to emotions; yet, they may still wind up eating to the point where they are uncomfortable and then experience feelings of guilt and despair as a result of the binge session. It's possible that engaging in this practise will lead to severe weight gain.

What kinds of treatment are available for those who have eating disorders?

Although enrolling in a high-quality treatment programme that focuses on eating disorders offers the highest possibilities for a successful recovery over the long term, the style of therapy that is used will vary depending not just on the type of eating disorder but also on the individual.


Also referred to as talk therapy, psychotherapy is a form of mental health treatment that helps individuals recognise unhealthy habits of thinking and behaviour and replace them with more beneficial patterns.

Through cognitive behavioural therapy, you will investigate the complicated issues that lie at the root of an eating disorder. You will also learn how to recognise and manage your mood, in addition to keeping track of the food you eat. You also create a toolbox full of skills, methods, and tactics to help you cope with triggers like stress.

Family therapy is another option for addressing problems in the family as well as educating family members about eating disorders and the ways in which they may provide support all the way through the process of recovery from an eating disorder.

Instruction in nutrition

One of the fundamental objectives of recovery from an eating disorder is to restore the health that was disrupted by the disorder while also achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Dietitians and other medical professionals will work with you to establish a diet plan that will assist you in reaching and keeping a healthy weight as well as cultivating healthy eating habits.


Medications can lower food cravings and binge-purge urges, but they cannot cure eating disorders.

Medication to treat a mental ailment like anxiety or depression may be prescribed if the eating issue is caused by it.


If the person has severe malnutrition or other eating disorder-related health issues, they may need hospitalisation.

Inpatient treatment can assist restore health by addressing the complex causes that cause the disease and any mental health concerns that may have contributed to it.

Untreated eating problems can affect the mind and body. With perseverance and help, eating disorders can be overcome.

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