
What is Déjà Vu: Feel Like You've Been Here Before?

Sentinel Digital Desk

The sensation of having already experienced something that is occurring for the first time is normally termed as Déjà vu.

Déjà vu is a French phrase that literally means "previously seen," and it was named after French scientist Emile Boirac, who was one of the first to research this peculiar occurrence in 1876.

You could assume you're seeing something for the first time if your initial glimpse of it, such as a view from a hillside, didn't need your whole concentration. However, even if you weren't fully conscious of what you were seeing, your brain remembers the prior perception. As a result, you have a sense of déjà vu.

Déjà vu can occur in a healthy brain. This does not imply that you should sound the alarms.


  1. People who travel frequently and have college or advanced degrees are more likely to have the impression. And it can peak in early adulthood before progressively dissipating as you become older.
  2. People who are tired or anxious are more likely to get déjà vu. This is likely due to the fact that exhaustion and stress are linked to the most common cause of déjà vu: memory.

Déjà vu and Science:

Déjà vu is a contradiction between a sense of familiarity and the realisation that familiarity is false.

And it's the consciousness that you're being duped that distinguishes déjà vu from other memory occurrences. Experts indicate that déjà vu might be caused by a variety of factors. Most people agree that it has anything to do with memory.

  1. According to the principle of split perception, déjà vu occurs when you see something twice.
  2. When the portion of your brain that tracks current events and the part that retains memories are simultaneously engaged, you're more likely to make a mistake.
  3. Many researchers believe déjà vu is linked to how you remember and process memories.


  1. Associative déjà vu is the most prevalent form of déjà vu experienced by normal, healthy persons.
  2. Biological recurrence, People with temporal lobe epilepsy are more likely to experience déjà vu.

The number of persons who get déjà vu is probably between 30% and 100% (about 8 in a class of 30). (Everyone in a class of 30). If you're between the ages of 15 and 25, you're more likely to feel déjà vu than you will be in the future. After the age of 25, the number of persons who have déjà vu encounters progressively diminishes.

The problem of déjà vu:

  1. Occurs frequently
  2. accompanied with strange dream-like recollections or visions
  3. Is followed by a loss of awareness and/or symptoms such as unconscious chewing, fumbling, heart pounding, or a fearful feeling.


  1. Common in younger people
  2. It appears to affect both men and women at about the same rate.
  3. Common in higher socioeconomic groups and more highly educated individuals.
  4. Common among frequent travellers.
  5. Common when we are particularly tired, stressed, or both.
  6. Drugs enhance the chances of experiencing déjà vu.

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