

Sentinel Digital Desk

Gemini : (May 22 - June 21)

This period brings success in professional and personal relations. You take more pride than usual in your creations, your love affair, your children, and your hobbies. After a period of self-protectiveness, you are now more spontaneous and more willing to take risks. You are inspired creatively and emotionally. Pleasure and amusement play an important role in your search for freedom of self-expression now. You want others to take notice, and you are more sensitive to whether people appreciate you. You may have a desire to re-decorate your home. Some form of pleasant result in your professional life brings rewards and recognition. Still, despite the fact that you love your career now, you are also working especially hard. The inclination is towards more detail work, and it can get to you at times. Personal projects are on an upswing. You will be considerably more productive, healthy, and focused.